And, that's the truth, we ain't seen nothing yet. The stage is set. The rules are in place for the action to begin. So far, what we have had is a warm-up.
We see it all around the world and we see it all through history. There is no reason to believe, as some want to, that it will be different in our case. Oppression and injustice can only be piled up so high and then the pile starts to slide sideways and those on the bottom get a glimmer of light shining down to where they are... hope stirs and suddenly, they decide that they aren't going to take it anymore.
The build-up in this country has had a few centuries of accumulation. Native peoples felt it first. Then Africans were imported and shared in the misery. We have evolved in many ways and the domestic landscape appears peaceful and even progressive from a certain perspective. We no longer slaughter the Native populations on a large scale. We no longer own Africans as slaves. But the oppression and injustice continues under a new set of clothes, a disguise. The rules have changed but those to be held in check are still the same groups. Today, the Native populations are held on 'reservations' in the poorest areas of what was once 'their' country. The Africans are held in urban reservations, 'ghettoes', the poorest areas of the cities. Both groups are under the absolute control of the police who have the authority to brutalize them and to kill them with the slightest of excuse and without the threat of repercussions.
The prison system, used primarily as a control device for the 'chosen' is the largest such system in the world. The laws are created to fill the prisons with the targeted populations. Drug laws, for only one example, distinguish between drugs used by one group (targeted populations) or use those drugs used by the dominate group (whites of European backgrounds). And we can see the results by looking at who is in prison and for how long and for what crime... and we can see the truth.
Here are 2 examples of why it will get worse... in the first example a cop goes after a suspected drunk driver, opens fire through the rear window and repeatedly struck the driver in the back, killing him. Prosecutors charged the cop with felony manslaughter. The cop enters a plea to a lesser charge is left with no criminal record. Now, he serves as the police chief in a small community 20 miles from the scene of the murder.
But at trial, jurors would acquit the deputy. The deputy would keep his job at the sheriff’s department and be put in charge of training deputies in firearms and use of force.
The point of these two examples is that when confronted over committing a murder, the police are promoted rather than punished. For a murderer to graduate to police chief is an affront to justice. For a murderer to be placed in charge of training in firearms and the use of force boggles the mind.
The population sees these things as they happen continuously and all around. There will be 'blow-back' as we like to call it.
The battle lines are being draw and people are choosing sides.. the enemy is in uniform. It is not only 'mad-men' (men who are mad) with automatic weapons who will be out there shooting cops. The assault will come from many angles as those who have been brutalized and oppressed with massive injustice start to 'correct' their situation.
The New York Daily News reports...The encounter followed a series of incidents shortly after the Dallas police ambush involving police officers who felt restaurant customers and staff treated them less than respectfully.
A Northern Virginia police officer was denied service at a Noodles & Co. in the latest episode of anti-cop animosity at restaurants across the country. Wash. restaurant owner blames language barrier after banning cops A Columbus, Ohio officer was hospitalized last week after biting into a sandwich laced with glass at a cafe, though investigators don’t believe the glass was placed there on purpose. Earlier this month, staff at a North Carolina Zaxby’s fried chicken heckled two Cleveland County sheriff’s deputies and covered their food with extra spicy hot sauce. A man at a diner outside Pittsburgh refused to sit next to a group of four police officers eating at the restaurant. One of the officers later paid for the man’s dinner because the officer said he wanted to show the man that "we're not here to hurt you."
We are a nation at war. War abroad and war at home. We are pushing hard to expand our overseas wars... massing troops and military equipment on the borders of Russia, buzzing Chinese development with our military jets... empire building all over the world against the wishes of multiple victims. At home we are creating the perfect 'security state' with the militarization of the domestic police... always a war; war on crime, cultural war, war on cancer, war on drugs, war on poverty, war on terror and the supposed war on cops.
American foreign policy and domestic policy views everything as war. When fighting a war, tactics and strategy are limited. There can be no debate or discussion because fighting a war dictates striving for victory. There is no need to ask questions because all of the answers are obvious. War requires the use of the military overseas or militarized police and jails at home with torture used in all venues as means of coercion. Violence becomes the standard and victory the only goal.
War fails when used to address complicated issues at home (hasn't worked very well overseas either). Culture, ideas, crime, poverty, drugs, religious beliefs can't be defeated by a war (if defeat is really the purpose). But, since war is what we live and die by, we should get adjusted to the reality of our future domestic situation. It will be war and more war. This is guaranteed because we have made no provisions for anything else. On one side will be the cops. They have been engineering the idea of a war on cops for a long time and present day circumstances will make that more and more a reality. It is not the case now, but it soon will be. That a few police officers are targeted and killed is not something that should surprise anyone who has been paying attention. That someone would regard a 'cop killer' as a hero should not come as a surprise either. To be arrested for making that type of declaration will not solve the problem but will increase the tensions and will result in more deaths of police officers. That we all lose all rights as civilians and as citizens to the security state is a surprise even as we have been moving in this direction for a long time. To take away basic rights of citizens under the pretext of protecting police officers will not make anyone safer. We should recognize that we have been training lots of people in the use of dangerous weapons for a very long time. Some of those we have trained drift into the ranks of police officers. Some of those we have trained, upon returning home to the frustration of social problems we refuse to address realistically, will drift into the ranks of those who will be shooting at the police.
Our leaders do not have the courage to admit that our policies have been wrong. To admit to failure is not something a politician will do. There are no reasons to believe that any of this is going to change in the near future... domestic violence is a solid part of our American culture, always has been. With increased militarization gripping both sides of the conflict the violence will escalate dramatically. As was said, 'you ain't seen nothing yet'... and that's the truth !!!
There are three articles below that express different aspects of our problems with war. Reading these articles will assist in understanding the carnage that is upcoming in 'the homeland'.
Brief History of the "War on Cops":
The False Allegation That Enables Police Violence By Dan Berger, Truthout | Op-Ed Numerous sources confirm that there is no such war. Last year was one of the safest on record for police officers, and even with the targeted killings in Dallas and Baton Rouge, being a police officer does not rate as one of the 10 most dangerous jobs in the country. It is far less dangerous than logging, fishing, or roofing. Yet, conservative commentators routinely sound the alarm against a "war on cops." This claim surfaces not only in those rare instances when an officer is killed but also anytime people challenge police violence or authority. People are not at war with police. But police are at war with people. For more than 50 years, the "war on cops" story has provided both public support and material resources for the war that metropolitan police departments have waged on mostly poor Black, Brown and Indigenous communities. The "war on cops" may be an old story, but it is a useful one. In fact, the "war on cops" narrative helps explain how the United States ended up with a police force that functions like a series of military battalions. The idea behind the "war on cops" treats police like soldiers: going into battle every day, serving as symbols of their country with the overriding objective of winning the war (on crime, drugs, or terrorism) at all costs. The idea of a "war on cops" owes to the savvy responses police officials offered to the insurgencies of the 1960s. Police seized upon the political upheaval of that time to advocate for greater authority and resources. Powerful groups like the police enlist people to support them or risk annihilation. Around the country, police officers used these tumultuous events to argue for more: more money, more weapons, more officers and more authority. During the urban unrest of the mid-1960s, which were often sparked by incidents of police violence against Black or Latino men, police routinely claimed to be at war in American cities. After the Watts neighborhood erupted in 1965, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) created the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team, an elite and highly militarized police unit. Its first assignment came in an assault on the Los Angeles Black Panther office four years later. As police departments around the country developed their own SWAT teams, they became routine components of the war on drugs in the 1980s and 1990s. Often in these urban conflicts, police said snipers fired upon them. Unable to determine the source of some gunfire during the 1967 uprising in Detroit, police and National Guard claimed to be under attack by snipers. Such reports led a handful of police officers, state troopers, and National Guardsmen to seize the Algiers Motel. They found no snipers but killed three Black men and beat nine other people -- seven Black men, two white women -- in the process. (Similar unsubstantiated reports of sniper fire during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 led police to scale back on rescue efforts in favor of greater policing.) Some city police departments seized upon the deepening economic crises of the 1970s to develop undercover paramilitary forces. As historian Elizabeth Hinton describes in her new book, From the War on Poverty to War on Crime, the Detroit and Los Angeles police departments created secretive police units that waged brutal undercover operations against low-income Black communities. Designed as elite shock troops in the war on crime, the LAPD's Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums (CRASH) and Detroit's Stop the Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets (STRESS) functioned as urban mercenaries. "In just two years, STRESS made more than 6,000 arrests and killed eighteen civilians and suspects," Hinton writes. "Of those killed, all but one were Black." Police unions have been the central institution promoting the idea of a war on police. The first to defend cops who kill civilians, police unions have for decades declared that they are under attack. Cynical and racist as such declarations may be, they have worked. Take a look at New York City, the country's largest police department with a storied history of abuse. Describing police beating up children in 1964, author James Baldwin wrote that "Harlem is policed like an occupied territory." The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PBA), the labor union representing members of the New York City Police Department (NYPD), has defended police violence and argued for greater weaponry to carry it out. The PBA's influence increased throughout the 1970s as it advocated for wartime policing. After four officers were killed in two days in May 1971, the PBA called for officers to carry shotguns as well as pistols. While the claim was derided for being shrill, the proliferation of SWAT-style policing meant that new hardware flowed to major police departments at an unprecedented scale. Two years later, the PBA told The New York Times that police "should have sufficient retaliatory means at our disposal" against anyone who would attack the police. The PBA claimed to be in a guerrilla war with the Black Liberation Army (BLA), a military splinter group of the Black Panther Party. But in fact, police tactics more resembled the American military than a guerrilla force: Police sought to overwhelm their opponents with superior hardware and sheer force. The NYPD and FBI dedicated 150 officers to kill suspected BLA member Twymon Meyers on a New York City street in 1973 and then stationed snipers on rooftops at his funeral in Harlem. Shotguns and legal immunity became more common among the NYPD, as in the rest of the nation. In 1984, an officer used a shotgun to kill 66-year-old Eleanor Bumpurs during an eviction. As is by now expected news, the officer who killed Bumpers -- like the officers who killed Michael Stewart, Anthony Baez, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, Eric Garner and so many other New Yorkers -- was either acquitted or never indicted. As part of its war, the PBA has provided legal, financial or public support for officers who have shot, choked or otherwise killed people in the line of duty. At the same time, the PBA claims that an ongoing "war on cops" necessitates denying parole to anyone who was convicted of violence against police officers, regardless of their conduct in prison or risk to society. A button on the PBA's website enables visitors to send letters to the New York Parole Board opposing release of parole-eligible people who were convicted of attacking police officers. According to the Release Aging People in Prison campaign, the PBA's hardline stance turns the parole board into a "re-sentencing body" to give people a life sentence not imposed by a judge or jury. This goes against the logic of parole, which is supposed to judge whether someone poses a risk of harm in the present rather than on the basis of the offense for which a person was originally convicted. This is the world the "war on cops" has made; one in which police kill unarmed people regularly yet claim to be under attack themselves. Even as some high-profile commentators have proclaimed that Black Lives Matter, they still act as if police lives matter more. Pundits who lament the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile protest the "horrific murders" and "cold-blooded killings" of police in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Were Sterling and Castile's deaths not horrific? Why is there no attention to the blood temperature of the officers who killed a 37-year-old man for selling CDs on a sidewalk or who pulled over a 32-year-old man for a broken taillight and a "wide-set nose" and ended up shooting him to death in front of his girlfriend and her four-year-old child? "I do not believe in the war between races," Lorna dee Cervantes declared in her classic 1981 poem. "But in this country/ there is war." The "war on cops" functions similarly: its truthfulness may be easily dispelled but its power is much harder to dislodge. The task, embraced with such clarity in the recent #FreedomNow protests, is to end the war by police. There is no war on cops. But in this country, there is war.
There is a lot of conflict going on in the South China Sea. The Unites States is pushing for a system of governance wherein the United States makes the rules. China is pushing for historical precedence which has already established rules. The United States has forced an arbitration process that produced a 'winner', but there was no actual arbitration because only one side arbitrated. China is sticking with the historical precedence theory.
China is building on land it claims to be part of Chins throughout the area. The United States is flying military jets over and around the area, buzzing the Chinese sites. Ultimately, this could lead to war.
China's leadership has no intentions of backing down, as reported by the Washington Post, "The arbitration decision was hailed as a landmark victory for those worried that Beijing is extending its military control over waters with key strategic and commercial significance. But Chinese President Xi Jinping signaled that he was in no mood to back down.
“The islands in the South China Sea have been Chinese territories since ancient times,” he said, according to state media. “China opposes and will never accept any claim or action based on these awards.”
The Foreign Ministry said China “solemnly declares that the award is null and void and has no binding force.”
Nor would it be easy for Xi to back down after making the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” one of his signature slogans, drawing a rhetorical line from its past “humiliation” at the hands of Western colonial powers and Japan to his vision of a strong, proud China under Communist Party rule."
What actually makes sense under the circumstances? What is China's claim for historical precedence?
One needs to refer to the Archaeological evidence to understand China's position. Depending upon school of thought, China's history goes back a very long time, or even longer than that!
The claims of the United States and the rest of the "western world' are very recent. Beginning in the 16th century with the Portuguese and Spanish colonization of some parts of Indonesia. This was followed by Dutch colonization of the Indonesian archipelago; and the British colonization and the French colonization of certain areas. It wasn't until the 19th century and early 20th century that British, Germans, French, Americans and others developed any real influence in the western Pacific and the various islands. Midway through the 20th century, the Japanese invaded most of the region.
At the end of the 2nd World War, Japan returned all of the land it had seized to the original owners of that land... The United States, the dominate world power of the time, kept China out of the process because China was turning communist.
This modern history compares poorly with China's existence in the region dating back to neolithic cultures of Southeastern China, such as the Hemudu culture or the Liangzhu culture. There is evidence to support the culture dating from 15,000 to 7,000 years ago following the last Ice Age. Much later, Chinese history continues with a large-scale Austronesian expansion began around 5000–2500 BC.
The new findings from HUGO (Human Genome Organization) also shows that Asia was populated primarily through a single migration event from the south. Other evidence shows that Chinese expansion occurred very recently, following the development of rice agriculture — within only the last 10,000 years.
Archaeological records point to Austroneasian origins, historically a group of people who spoke a certain very old and widespread language within a family of languages. It also identifies the culture of the speakers of the lanugages and it also is and indicator of the people belonging to different ethnic groups, who themselves who spoke within this family grouping of languages. The various lines of thinking connect ancient history and prehistory with the Chinese people of today.
The comparison is between history and tradition going back for many thousands of years or the arbitrary drawing of lines on maps within the last few centuries.
We would like to redraw those maps again... to 'update' them and bring them into agreement with our idea of what the world should look like, and we are willing to go to war to make it happen that way... and that's the truth !!!
also read: making war in the South China Sea
China is building on land it claims to be part of Chins throughout the area. The United States is flying military jets over and around the area, buzzing the Chinese sites. Ultimately, this could lead to war.
China's leadership has no intentions of backing down, as reported by the Washington Post, "The arbitration decision was hailed as a landmark victory for those worried that Beijing is extending its military control over waters with key strategic and commercial significance. But Chinese President Xi Jinping signaled that he was in no mood to back down.
“The islands in the South China Sea have been Chinese territories since ancient times,” he said, according to state media. “China opposes and will never accept any claim or action based on these awards.”
The Foreign Ministry said China “solemnly declares that the award is null and void and has no binding force.”
Nor would it be easy for Xi to back down after making the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” one of his signature slogans, drawing a rhetorical line from its past “humiliation” at the hands of Western colonial powers and Japan to his vision of a strong, proud China under Communist Party rule."
What actually makes sense under the circumstances? What is China's claim for historical precedence?
One needs to refer to the Archaeological evidence to understand China's position. Depending upon school of thought, China's history goes back a very long time, or even longer than that!
The claims of the United States and the rest of the "western world' are very recent. Beginning in the 16th century with the Portuguese and Spanish colonization of some parts of Indonesia. This was followed by Dutch colonization of the Indonesian archipelago; and the British colonization and the French colonization of certain areas. It wasn't until the 19th century and early 20th century that British, Germans, French, Americans and others developed any real influence in the western Pacific and the various islands. Midway through the 20th century, the Japanese invaded most of the region.
At the end of the 2nd World War, Japan returned all of the land it had seized to the original owners of that land... The United States, the dominate world power of the time, kept China out of the process because China was turning communist.
This modern history compares poorly with China's existence in the region dating back to neolithic cultures of Southeastern China, such as the Hemudu culture or the Liangzhu culture. There is evidence to support the culture dating from 15,000 to 7,000 years ago following the last Ice Age. Much later, Chinese history continues with a large-scale Austronesian expansion began around 5000–2500 BC.
The new findings from HUGO (Human Genome Organization) also shows that Asia was populated primarily through a single migration event from the south. Other evidence shows that Chinese expansion occurred very recently, following the development of rice agriculture — within only the last 10,000 years.
Archaeological records point to Austroneasian origins, historically a group of people who spoke a certain very old and widespread language within a family of languages. It also identifies the culture of the speakers of the lanugages and it also is and indicator of the people belonging to different ethnic groups, who themselves who spoke within this family grouping of languages. The various lines of thinking connect ancient history and prehistory with the Chinese people of today.
The comparison is between history and tradition going back for many thousands of years or the arbitrary drawing of lines on maps within the last few centuries.
We would like to redraw those maps again... to 'update' them and bring them into agreement with our idea of what the world should look like, and we are willing to go to war to make it happen that way... and that's the truth !!!
also read: making war in the South China Sea
The Real Secret of the South China Sea
from OpEdNews By Pepe Escobar --- Reprinted from Sputnik
The US, for its part, is all about Exceptionalism and Manifest Destiny. As it stands, more than Russia's western borderlands, the Baltics or "Syraq," this is where the hegemon "rules" are really being contested. And the stakes couldn't be higher. That'll be the day when the US Navy is "denied" from the South China Sea; and that'll be the end of its imperial hegemony.
The South China Sea is and will continue to be the ultimate geopolitical flashpoint of the young 21st century -- way ahead of the Middle East or Russia's western borderlands. No less than the future of Asia -- as well as the East-West balance of power -- is at stake.
To understand the Big Picture, we need to go back to 1890 when Alfred Mahan, then president of the US Naval College, wrote the seminal The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783. Mahan's central thesis is that the US should go global in search of new markets, and protect these new trade routes through a network of naval bases.
That is the embryo of the US Empire of Bases -- which de facto started after the Spanish-American war, over a century ago, when the US graduated to Pacific power status by annexing the Philippines, Hawaii and Guam.
Western -- American and European -- colonialism is strictly responsible for the current, incendiary sovereignty battle in the South China Sea. It's the West that came up with most land borders -- and maritime borders -- of these states.
The roll call is quite impressive. Philippines and Indonesia were divided by Spain and Portugal in 1529. The division between Malaysia and Indonesia is owed to the British and the Dutch in 1842. The border between China and Vietnam was imposed to the Chinese by the French in 1887. The Philippines's borders were concocted by the US and Spain in 1898. The border between Philippines and Malaysia was drawn by the US and the Brits in 1930.
We are talking about borders between different colonial possessions -- and that implies intractable problems from the start, subsequently inherited by post-colonial nations. And to think that it had all started as a loose configuration. The best anthropological studies (Bill Solheim's, for instance) define the semi-nomadic communities who really traveled and traded across the South China Sea from time immemorial as the Nusantao -- an Austronesian compound word for "south island" and "people."
The Nusantao were not a defined ethnic group; rather a maritime internet. Over the centuries, they had many key hubs, from the coastline between central Vietnam and Hong Kong to the Mekong Delta. They were not attached to any "state," and the notion of "borders" didn't even exist. Only by the late 19th century the Westphalian system managed to freeze the South China Sea inside an immovable framework. Which brings us to why China is so sensitive about its borders; because they are directly linked to the "century of humiliation" -- when internal Chinese corruption and weakness allowed Western barbarians to take possession of Chinese land.
Tension in the nine-dash line
The eminent Chinese geographer Bai Meichu was a fierce nationalist who drew his own version of what was called the "Chinese National Humiliation Map." In 1936 he published a map including a "U-shaped line" gobbling up the South China Sea all the way down to James Shoal, which is 1,500 km south of China but only over 100 km off Borneo. Scores of maps copied Meichu's. Most included the Spratly Islands, but not James Shoal.
The crucial fact is that Bai was the man who actually invented the "nine-dash line," promoted by the Chinese government -- then not yet Communist -- as the letter of the law in terms of "historic" Chinese claims over islands in the South China Sea.
Everything stopped when Japan invaded China in 1937. Japan had occupied Taiwan way back in 1895. Now imagine Americans surrendering to the Japanese in the Philippines in 1942. That meant virtually the entire coastline of the South China Sea being controlled by a single empire for the first time in history. The South China Sea had become a Japanese lake.
Not for long; only until 1945. The Japanese did occupy Woody Island in the Paracels and Itu Aba (today Taiping) in the Spratlys. After the end of WWII and the US nuclear-bombing Japan, the Philippines became independent in 1946; the Spratlys immediately were declared Filipino territory. In 1947 the Chinese went on overdrive to recover all the Paracels from colonial power France. In parallel, all the islands in the South China Sea got Chinese names. James Shoal was downgraded from a sandbank into a reef (it's actually underwater; still Beijing sees is as the southernmost point of Chinese territory.)
In December 1947 all the islands were placed under the control of Hainan (itself an island in southern China.) New maps -- based on Meichu's -- followed, but now with Chinese names for the islands (or reefs, or shoals). The key problem is that no one explained the meaning of the dashes (which were originally 11.)
So in June 1947 the Republic of China claimed everything within the line -- while proclaiming itself open to negotiate definitive maritime borders with other nations later on. But, for the moment, no borders; that was the birth of the much-maligned "strategic ambiguity" of the South China Sea that lasts to this day.
"Red" China adopted all the maps -- and all the decisions. Yet the final maritime border between China and Vietnam, for instance, was decided only in 1999. In 2009 China included a map of the "U-shaped" or "nine-dash line" in a presentation to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf; that was the first time the line officially showed up on an international level.
No wonder other Southeast Asian players were furious. That was the apex of the millennia-old transition from the "maritime internet" of semi-nomadic peoples to the Westphalian system. The post-modern "war" for the South China Sea was on.
Gunboat freedom
In 2013 the Philippines -- prodded by the US and Japan -- decided to take its case about Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) in the South China Sea to be judged according to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Both China and Philippines ratified UNCLOS. The US did not. The Philippines aimed for UNCLOS -- not "historical rights," as the Chinese wanted -- to decide what is an island, what is a rock, and who is entitled to claim territorial rights (and thus EEZs) in these surrounding waters. UNCLOS itself is the result of years of fierce legal battles. Still, key nations -- including BRICS members China, India and Brazil, but also, significantly, Vietnam and Malaysia -- have been struggling to change an absolutely key provision, making it mandatory for foreign warships to seek permission before sailing through their EEZs.
And here we plunge in truly, deeply troubled waters; the notion of "freedom of navigation."
For the American empire, "freedom of navigation," from the West Coast of the US to Asia -- through the Pacific, the South China Sea, the Malacca Strait and the Indian Ocean -- is strictly subordinated to military strategy. Imagine if one day EEZs would be closed to the US Navy -- or if "authorization" would have to be demanded every time; the Empire of Bases would lose "access" to...its own bases.
Add to it trademark Pentagon paranoia; what if a "hostile power" decided to block the global trade on which the US economy depends? (even though the premise -- China contemplating such a move -- is ludicrous). The Pentagon actually pursues a Freedom of Navigation (FON) program. For all practical purposes, it's 21st century gunboat diplomacy, as in those aircraft carriers showboating on and off in the South China Sea. The Holy Grail, as far as the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is concerned, is to come up with a Code of Conduct to solve all maritime conflicts between Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and China. This has been dragging on for years now because mostly the Philippines wanted to frame the Chinese under a set of binding rules but was only ready to talk until all ten ASEAN members had agreed on them first.
Beijing's strategy is the opposite; bilateral discussions to emphasize its formidable leverage. Thus China assuring the support of Cambodia -- quite visible early this week when Cambodia prevented a condemnation of China regarding the South China Sea at a key summit in Laos; China and ASEAN settled for "self-restraint."
Watch Hillary pivoting
In 2011 the US State Department was absolutely terrified with the planned Obama administration withdrawals from both Iraq and Afghanistan; what would happen to superpower projection? That ended in November 2011, when then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton coined the by now famous "pivot to Asia."
"Six lines of action" were embedded in the "pivot." Four of these Clinton nicked from a 2009 report by the Washington think tank CSIS; reinvigorating alliances; cultivating relationships with emerging powers; developing relationships with regional multilateral bodies; and working closely with South East Asian countries on economic issues. Clinton added two more: broad-based military presence in Asia, and the promotion of democracy and human rights.
It was clear from the start -- and not only across the global South -- that cutting across the rhetorical fog, the "pivot" was code for a military offensive to contain China. Even more seriously, this was the geopolitical moment when a South East Asian dispute over maritime territory intersected with the across-the-globe confrontation between the hegemon and a "peer competitor."
What Clinton meant by "engaging emerging powers" was, in her own words, "join us in shaping and participating in a rules-based regional and global order". This is code for rules coined by the hegemon -- as in the whole apparatus of the Washington consensus.
No wonder the South China Sea is immensely strategic, as American hegemony intimately depends on ruling the waves (remember Mahan). That's the core of the US National Military Strategy. The South China Sea is the crucial link connecting the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf and ultimately Europe. And so we finally discover Rosebud -- the ultimate South China Sea "secret." China under Clinton's "rule-based regional and global order" effectively means that China must obey and keep the South China Sea open to the US Navy.
That spells out inevitable escalation further on down the sea lanes. China, slowly but surely, is developing an array of sophisticated weapons which could ultimately "deny" the South China Sea to the US Navy, as the Beltway is very much aware.
What makes it even more serious is that we're talking about irreconcilable imperatives. Beijing characterizes itself as an anti-imperialist power; and that necessarily includes recovering national territories usurped by colonial powers allied with internal Chinese traitors (those islands that The Hague has ruled are no more than "rocks" or even "low-tide elevations").
The US, for its part, is all about Exceptionalism and Manifest Destiny. As it stands, more than Russia's western borderlands, the Baltics or "Syraq," this is where the hegemon "rules" are really being contested. And the stakes couldn't be higher. That'll be the day when the US Navy is "denied" from the South China Sea; and that'll be the end of its imperial hegemony.
Submitters Bio:
Pepe Escobar is an independent geopolitical analyst. He writes for RT, Sputnik and TomDispatch, and is a frequent contributor to websites and radio and TV shows ranging from the US to East Asia. He is the former roving correspondent for Asia Times Online. Born in Brazil, he's been a foreign correspondent since 1985, and has lived in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Washington, Bangkok and Hong Kong. Even before 9/11 he specialized in covering the arc from the Middle East to Central and East Asia, with an emphasis on Big Power geopolitics and energy wars. He is the author of "Globalistan" (2007), "Red Zone Blues" (2007), "Obama does Globalistan" (2009) and "Empire of Chaos" (2014), all published by Nimble Books. His latest book is "2030", also by Nimble Books, out in December 2015.
from OpEdNews By Pepe Escobar --- Reprinted from Sputnik
The US, for its part, is all about Exceptionalism and Manifest Destiny. As it stands, more than Russia's western borderlands, the Baltics or "Syraq," this is where the hegemon "rules" are really being contested. And the stakes couldn't be higher. That'll be the day when the US Navy is "denied" from the South China Sea; and that'll be the end of its imperial hegemony.
The South China Sea is and will continue to be the ultimate geopolitical flashpoint of the young 21st century -- way ahead of the Middle East or Russia's western borderlands. No less than the future of Asia -- as well as the East-West balance of power -- is at stake.
To understand the Big Picture, we need to go back to 1890 when Alfred Mahan, then president of the US Naval College, wrote the seminal The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783. Mahan's central thesis is that the US should go global in search of new markets, and protect these new trade routes through a network of naval bases.
That is the embryo of the US Empire of Bases -- which de facto started after the Spanish-American war, over a century ago, when the US graduated to Pacific power status by annexing the Philippines, Hawaii and Guam.
Western -- American and European -- colonialism is strictly responsible for the current, incendiary sovereignty battle in the South China Sea. It's the West that came up with most land borders -- and maritime borders -- of these states.
The roll call is quite impressive. Philippines and Indonesia were divided by Spain and Portugal in 1529. The division between Malaysia and Indonesia is owed to the British and the Dutch in 1842. The border between China and Vietnam was imposed to the Chinese by the French in 1887. The Philippines's borders were concocted by the US and Spain in 1898. The border between Philippines and Malaysia was drawn by the US and the Brits in 1930.
We are talking about borders between different colonial possessions -- and that implies intractable problems from the start, subsequently inherited by post-colonial nations. And to think that it had all started as a loose configuration. The best anthropological studies (Bill Solheim's, for instance) define the semi-nomadic communities who really traveled and traded across the South China Sea from time immemorial as the Nusantao -- an Austronesian compound word for "south island" and "people."
The Nusantao were not a defined ethnic group; rather a maritime internet. Over the centuries, they had many key hubs, from the coastline between central Vietnam and Hong Kong to the Mekong Delta. They were not attached to any "state," and the notion of "borders" didn't even exist. Only by the late 19th century the Westphalian system managed to freeze the South China Sea inside an immovable framework. Which brings us to why China is so sensitive about its borders; because they are directly linked to the "century of humiliation" -- when internal Chinese corruption and weakness allowed Western barbarians to take possession of Chinese land.
Tension in the nine-dash line
The eminent Chinese geographer Bai Meichu was a fierce nationalist who drew his own version of what was called the "Chinese National Humiliation Map." In 1936 he published a map including a "U-shaped line" gobbling up the South China Sea all the way down to James Shoal, which is 1,500 km south of China but only over 100 km off Borneo. Scores of maps copied Meichu's. Most included the Spratly Islands, but not James Shoal.
The crucial fact is that Bai was the man who actually invented the "nine-dash line," promoted by the Chinese government -- then not yet Communist -- as the letter of the law in terms of "historic" Chinese claims over islands in the South China Sea.
Everything stopped when Japan invaded China in 1937. Japan had occupied Taiwan way back in 1895. Now imagine Americans surrendering to the Japanese in the Philippines in 1942. That meant virtually the entire coastline of the South China Sea being controlled by a single empire for the first time in history. The South China Sea had become a Japanese lake.
Not for long; only until 1945. The Japanese did occupy Woody Island in the Paracels and Itu Aba (today Taiping) in the Spratlys. After the end of WWII and the US nuclear-bombing Japan, the Philippines became independent in 1946; the Spratlys immediately were declared Filipino territory. In 1947 the Chinese went on overdrive to recover all the Paracels from colonial power France. In parallel, all the islands in the South China Sea got Chinese names. James Shoal was downgraded from a sandbank into a reef (it's actually underwater; still Beijing sees is as the southernmost point of Chinese territory.)
In December 1947 all the islands were placed under the control of Hainan (itself an island in southern China.) New maps -- based on Meichu's -- followed, but now with Chinese names for the islands (or reefs, or shoals). The key problem is that no one explained the meaning of the dashes (which were originally 11.)
So in June 1947 the Republic of China claimed everything within the line -- while proclaiming itself open to negotiate definitive maritime borders with other nations later on. But, for the moment, no borders; that was the birth of the much-maligned "strategic ambiguity" of the South China Sea that lasts to this day.
"Red" China adopted all the maps -- and all the decisions. Yet the final maritime border between China and Vietnam, for instance, was decided only in 1999. In 2009 China included a map of the "U-shaped" or "nine-dash line" in a presentation to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf; that was the first time the line officially showed up on an international level.
No wonder other Southeast Asian players were furious. That was the apex of the millennia-old transition from the "maritime internet" of semi-nomadic peoples to the Westphalian system. The post-modern "war" for the South China Sea was on.
Gunboat freedom
In 2013 the Philippines -- prodded by the US and Japan -- decided to take its case about Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) in the South China Sea to be judged according to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Both China and Philippines ratified UNCLOS. The US did not. The Philippines aimed for UNCLOS -- not "historical rights," as the Chinese wanted -- to decide what is an island, what is a rock, and who is entitled to claim territorial rights (and thus EEZs) in these surrounding waters. UNCLOS itself is the result of years of fierce legal battles. Still, key nations -- including BRICS members China, India and Brazil, but also, significantly, Vietnam and Malaysia -- have been struggling to change an absolutely key provision, making it mandatory for foreign warships to seek permission before sailing through their EEZs.
And here we plunge in truly, deeply troubled waters; the notion of "freedom of navigation."
For the American empire, "freedom of navigation," from the West Coast of the US to Asia -- through the Pacific, the South China Sea, the Malacca Strait and the Indian Ocean -- is strictly subordinated to military strategy. Imagine if one day EEZs would be closed to the US Navy -- or if "authorization" would have to be demanded every time; the Empire of Bases would lose "access" to...its own bases.
Add to it trademark Pentagon paranoia; what if a "hostile power" decided to block the global trade on which the US economy depends? (even though the premise -- China contemplating such a move -- is ludicrous). The Pentagon actually pursues a Freedom of Navigation (FON) program. For all practical purposes, it's 21st century gunboat diplomacy, as in those aircraft carriers showboating on and off in the South China Sea. The Holy Grail, as far as the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is concerned, is to come up with a Code of Conduct to solve all maritime conflicts between Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and China. This has been dragging on for years now because mostly the Philippines wanted to frame the Chinese under a set of binding rules but was only ready to talk until all ten ASEAN members had agreed on them first.
Beijing's strategy is the opposite; bilateral discussions to emphasize its formidable leverage. Thus China assuring the support of Cambodia -- quite visible early this week when Cambodia prevented a condemnation of China regarding the South China Sea at a key summit in Laos; China and ASEAN settled for "self-restraint."
Watch Hillary pivoting
In 2011 the US State Department was absolutely terrified with the planned Obama administration withdrawals from both Iraq and Afghanistan; what would happen to superpower projection? That ended in November 2011, when then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton coined the by now famous "pivot to Asia."
"Six lines of action" were embedded in the "pivot." Four of these Clinton nicked from a 2009 report by the Washington think tank CSIS; reinvigorating alliances; cultivating relationships with emerging powers; developing relationships with regional multilateral bodies; and working closely with South East Asian countries on economic issues. Clinton added two more: broad-based military presence in Asia, and the promotion of democracy and human rights.
It was clear from the start -- and not only across the global South -- that cutting across the rhetorical fog, the "pivot" was code for a military offensive to contain China. Even more seriously, this was the geopolitical moment when a South East Asian dispute over maritime territory intersected with the across-the-globe confrontation between the hegemon and a "peer competitor."
What Clinton meant by "engaging emerging powers" was, in her own words, "join us in shaping and participating in a rules-based regional and global order". This is code for rules coined by the hegemon -- as in the whole apparatus of the Washington consensus.
No wonder the South China Sea is immensely strategic, as American hegemony intimately depends on ruling the waves (remember Mahan). That's the core of the US National Military Strategy. The South China Sea is the crucial link connecting the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf and ultimately Europe. And so we finally discover Rosebud -- the ultimate South China Sea "secret." China under Clinton's "rule-based regional and global order" effectively means that China must obey and keep the South China Sea open to the US Navy.
That spells out inevitable escalation further on down the sea lanes. China, slowly but surely, is developing an array of sophisticated weapons which could ultimately "deny" the South China Sea to the US Navy, as the Beltway is very much aware.
What makes it even more serious is that we're talking about irreconcilable imperatives. Beijing characterizes itself as an anti-imperialist power; and that necessarily includes recovering national territories usurped by colonial powers allied with internal Chinese traitors (those islands that The Hague has ruled are no more than "rocks" or even "low-tide elevations").
The US, for its part, is all about Exceptionalism and Manifest Destiny. As it stands, more than Russia's western borderlands, the Baltics or "Syraq," this is where the hegemon "rules" are really being contested. And the stakes couldn't be higher. That'll be the day when the US Navy is "denied" from the South China Sea; and that'll be the end of its imperial hegemony.
Submitters Bio:
Pepe Escobar is an independent geopolitical analyst. He writes for RT, Sputnik and TomDispatch, and is a frequent contributor to websites and radio and TV shows ranging from the US to East Asia. He is the former roving correspondent for Asia Times Online. Born in Brazil, he's been a foreign correspondent since 1985, and has lived in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Washington, Bangkok and Hong Kong. Even before 9/11 he specialized in covering the arc from the Middle East to Central and East Asia, with an emphasis on Big Power geopolitics and energy wars. He is the author of "Globalistan" (2007), "Red Zone Blues" (2007), "Obama does Globalistan" (2009) and "Empire of Chaos" (2014), all published by Nimble Books. His latest book is "2030", also by Nimble Books, out in December 2015.