Sunday, July 3, 2016

Art - The Atlantic July 4, 2012
by E.L. Christianson Jr.
There are several problems involved with our current situation.  For one thing, not very many of us seem to be paying attention to what is right under our collective nose.  We have already lost it.  And, it is getting worse.  But, we have been deluded by our own propaganda and only a few of us seem to recognize our loss.

Our situation today... our relationship to the governing power is an exact parallel of the situation the colonists found themselves facing in the British king.  The rules are made by 'someone' else, are made 'someplace' else, and are made for 'someone' else's benefit.

​The solution to today's problem is exactly the same as it was for the colonists.

The idea of democracy, something we have never achieved, is farther removed than most of us are aware.  Today, the government, 'our' government is not 'ours' in any sense of the word... it is a government of the corporation and for the benefit of the corporation.  Corporate profits require, because of corporate foreign policy, continuous wars.  The will of the people, the needs of the people, which are reflected in countless polls, are virtually ignored by government.  The system of representative government is transparent enough that we can all see that the only entity being represented is the corporation.  Corporations finance political campaigns and corporations write the bills for their representatives to pass into law.

The two articles included below are written by two individuals who, I suspect, would disagree with me on many other issues, but as the reader can see, we are in complete agreement on this particular issue: the stated goals of the 'founding fathers' were admirable and those goals have been abandoned by our current government.  We need to reorient our national focus.  We need to quit meddling in the affairs of every nation around the planet and work toward improvements within our own borders.

Hopefully, we will come to see that patriotic parades and picnics are masks that hide our true situation.  A holiday with massive holiday sales and fireworks do nothing to help the American people acquire health-care, education, employment or any of the items on the long list of priorities for the public.

We are all well aware that neither of the candidates for president from the two major parties will benefit the American people.  We must, all of us, flock to third party candidates and abandon the two major corporate parties.  It is our only chance... and that's the truth !!!
True meaning of Fourth of July lost to most Americans

by Lacy Hardee

The once popular flag-waving, fireworks-displaying and long weekend of family cookouts and patriotism is being attacked in this country, and it seems nobody cares.

I don’t believe Americans really understand what July 4 is all about. July 4th isn’t about an “event” that occurred in 1776. It’s not like your birthday where people celebrate the day you were born. The United States wasn’t actually born on July 4. We had to win a war first. We stated our “intentions” on July 4.

July 4 was the start of the insurrection against the King. Americans celebrate July 4 to reaffirm our commitment to freedom, liberty, and freedom of choice. It is a warning to our government. That’s right. A warning to our government. The one built by the people and for the people. It was the start, the beginning of a constant vigil.

We didn’t want to be told what to do, by anyone. We just wanted to be left alone to live in peace. The United States isn’t interested in being a super power, only in being left to its own devices, not meddling in foreign affairs. You can’t preserve your freedoms by attempting to control those of others.

The purpose of the United States, setting an example for the rest of humanity, has been twisted over the years. July 4 is a reminder of what Americans were prepared to do to achieve freedom, and what they are constantly prepared to do again.

The Constitution is a pledge by the people to themselves to preserve freedom at all costs. The government is the potential threat to that freedom which is why the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Your government is like an animal that you keep caged up. You control it, but are armed and prepared to defend yourself against it.

July 4 is not an event that happened 200 years ago. It is a constant vigil where Americans promised to stand on guard to forever protect their freedoms. Sure, the American people are prepared to defend themselves from any external threats, but the real purpose of the Constitution is for the protection against “internal” threats, a government gone rouge.

The government is not your friend; it is your servant, there to do the peoples’ bidding.

It is most inappropriate for the president to stand before the people celebrating the Fourth of July. That is not his place. The government is the potential threat, the potential enemy. It’s the peoples only day. The gun in America is a symbol of freedom, in that it symbolizes that Americans are prepared to fight, and die, to preserve their freedom. This includes being prepared to rise up and revolt against their government, as their ancestors did against their King. That’s what the Constitution means. It is your duty to overthrow the government if there is any sense that it has turned against you or gotten out of control or is attempting to establish a monarchy or a dictatorship.

Americans, I think, have lost all sense of the true meaning of July 4. This is exactly what your government wants you to do. They focus your attention beyond your borders to alleged external dangers, while the true danger was always within your own borders. The enemy is us. The Constitution is King. The government serves it. It is the People; the Constitution; the Supreme Court; the Senate; the House of Representatives; and then, the President, who is “elected” by the People.

The People are America; the Constitution is their crown. The people tell the government what to do, not the other way round. That was its true design. It is up to us, our current and future generation to bring back pride and respect to America so bravely fought for by our previous generations. Wave Old Glory and lock up anyone who desecrates her. As an old adage once said: “America: love it or leave it.”
Fourth of July’s meaning seems lost on celebrants

By Murray Bass

Fireworks and firecrackers into the night. Picnics in the park. Hamburgers and all the fixings. Family get-togethers and a day to be with family and friends. Special sales. Maybe a patriotic parade with flags flying to honor our service people.
All feel-good events. All good. But soon forgotten until the next holiday. A holiday for children and everybody else. That’s what the Fourth of July has become. A day of fun.

What should we be celebrating?  Our independence. The freedom to live our lives in freedom and pursue our dreams.

On the Fourth of July in 1776, 56 men pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for us. After much work and deliberation they all signed the Declaration of Independence. That nature’s God had created all men as equal with a natural right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Many of the 56 men lost their lives and fortunes to win America’s freedom. None gave up their sacred honor.

Are we honoring their courage and sacrifices? No. As a people we are honoring hamburgers and potato salad and a day off.

Our indifference is costing us our independence and, for many, the opportunity to succeed – the chance to create a better life for ourselves and our families. We no longer value the idea that it is good for all citizens to have our people create wealth through individual achievement. Creation of wealth by some through achievement has become the resource for creating indolence and redistributing wealth. Government at all levels governs without the consent of the people as our Founding Fathers directed.

In a very real sense, Americans are in much the same position as were the colonists at the start of the American Revolution.

We have a leader who ignores law and governs without legal authority, legislators who no longer represent the people. “Looking the other way” has become the practice of many citizens. Or an unsaid attitude of “What’s in in for me?” Or, “There’s nothing I can do about it.I’ll just live on what I have earned and live my life.”

If we have a tyrannical, “lawless,” despotic government, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Many don’t care. Others are enjoying dependency and some have given up trying to restore our historical American values.

What should we or can we do? The first thing is for each one of us to decide whether we want our children and grandchildren to live in an America where they have a God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The freedom to succeed and keep the rewards of achievement. The freedom to worship as we please or not at all. All of the God-given freedoms envisioned by our Founding Fathers in the document signed with the pledge of their lives, fortunes and sacred honor on the Fourth of July in 1776.

It is really up to you, me and every American. America’s Founding Fathers said, when a government becomes despotic, it is their (the people’s) right, their duty to throw off such government. To provide new guards for their future security. It is election time. It is time for us to do our duty. It is time to throw off a government that has become tyrannical, lawless and despotic – at every level.

I have no recommendations to give you, except to encourage you to decide which candidates will be most likely to preserve and protect our republic. Or choose candidates who will continue to be governed by partisanship and their own selfish desires.

The fate of our nation is in our hands, yours and mine. Do we have the courage to do our duty as did the 56 Founding Fathers? You decide. It is more than important. It is matter of survival.

Murray Bass of Suisun City can be reached at

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