Monday, September 12, 2016

I would not brutalize you or murder you just because I know I could get away with it... but, I will provide testimony to protect my "fellow officer" who brutalizes and murders at will...
There is more than one aspect to the position of 'cop'.   The job description itself places one in a position of enforcing laws that are aimed at 'protecting' the property of the wealthy.  Protecting the lives and well-being of the poor is not a major focus of the job.  Just that distinction alone puts the 'cop' into circumstances wherein it is difficult to appear 'good'.  The normal sense of justice causes people to view police actions in a negative light many times when the 'cop' sees themselves as simply doing a job.
On top of this, the training we provide 'cops' conditions them to use force whenever faced with situations where there could be some possibility of danger, regardless of how remote the danger may be.
On top of all of this, the personality type that wants a job that puts one into a position of 'authority' and gives that person a gun and the privilege of shooting other people is suspect.  Many with a badge are simply brutes with a badge and looking for excuses or opportunities to assert their 'authority'.
If in fact there were very many good cops, if, in fact the bad cops were in the minority, then those good cops would be arresting those bad cops and stopping them for committing the crimes they commit.  Those few good cops are weeded out from the police force and fired or harassed into suicide.
When a person witnesses a cop doing something wrong, what is it possible for that person to do about the situation... can they call the police???  To call the police and report a cop beating someone to within an inch of their life likely means that you will be visited by the police and the consequences of that visit may result in...  well, it is frustrating at the very least, and that's the truth !!!
Good Cops/ Bad Cops 

from OpEdNews By Philip Farruggio 

In John Sayles 1987 film Matewan, concerning the 1920 coal miners' strike in West Virginia, not all cops were of the same ilk as the Baldwin-Felts private detectives. Those rent-a-cops were deputized by the authorities, at the behest of the powerful mining companies, as an  occupying force to control and torment the miners... Bad cops!

The local police chief understood the deprivation the strikers faced. When these 'deputies' came out to evict a family from a company owned home, the chief forced them away at gunpoint... Good cop! Although the ' law ' was in the hands of the landlord, sometimes 'universal law' trumps man's laws.
Sadly, the super-rich use their wealth to find men to be 'bought and paid for' as thugs, under the guise of being policemen ... Bad cops! The labor strikes throughout our country for  generations  always saw the police acting as enforcers for the super-rich.

Danny DeVito's 1992 film Hoffa reveals how these things occurred, with the police representing the forces of capital against the ' supposed' legally protected  side of labor... Bad cops! Again, if the average policeman took a moment to consider, he would realize that 'To serve and protect' does not only mean  property rights  but also  people and workers' rights  as well.

In the 2014 film 99 Homes we see how Sheriffs' deputies get paid bonuses to carry out evictions. These are so called 'public servants' receiving bonuses from property owners for these...Bad cops Are they 'on duty' when they perform this, or simply moonlighting wearing the uniform and badge? In some areas of our nation, there have been Sheriffs who refuse to carry out those evictions... Good cops! 

Between 1942 and 1943, in Poland, the Germans exterminated almost two million Jews. In order to accomplish this dastardly task, they needed to use units such as the  Reserve Police Battalion 101.  This unit was made up of mainly middle aged, respectable (an oxymoron?) working and middle class citizens of Hamburg, rather than Nazi ideologues. Using peer pressure and the 'German' tradition of obedience and comradeship, many of these policemen turned into mass murderers.

In the 1960s 210 members of the former battalion were interviewed in depth. Only 1/4 of them were even Nazi Party members, many simply joined the battalion to avoid active service abroad. Only a small number of them approved of what was happening 'out east'... yet they just 'went along to get along' so to speak.
When called upon to do the killing, 80% to 90% of these folks acquiesced without complaint... and after initial squeamishness became increasingly efficient and callous executioners... Bad cops! Contrary to what many of us have been taught about Hitler's regime, German soldiers and police were  not  imprisoned or executed for refusing to carry out these actions... Good cops! After all, they were pure blooded Aryans and thus received a higher tolerance. One should imagine if instead of 10 or 20% of those who refused to be killers, the figure was more like 80 to 90%, how could the Nazi extermination machine run quite so efficiently?

All baby boomers who lived in cities will remember the 'cop on the beat'. He was the guy the neighborhood knew and usually trusted. He chased the punks off of the corner and made sure the Mom and Pop stores were secure at night... Good Cop! Most likely he came from a neighborhood not so far from our own, similar to ours in many ways. Those days have been gone for over two generations now. In minority neighborhoods most of the cops may come from suburbs... and are most likely not of color.

The mindset of both the police and of the community becomes one of an occupying force and the  occupied.  Facts are facts folks. I don't have the time or the energy to get into the causes of poverty, racism and crime. What can be said is our police should understand that the majority of those who live in these communities get up each morning and go to work or go to school... just like the folks where they come from. Yes, higher use of drugs, lower levels of education and lower rates of pay are breeding grounds for crime... white, black, brown or yellow, it does not matter. No one said the cops in those areas doesn't have it much tougher than his peers in better neighborhoods...but so does the man, woman and child who lives in those places as well.

We have seen that in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, where our military is used as an occupying force, the occupiers can and do become 'trigger happy', killing many unarmed and innocent people. The corollary should be used in regard to our police, when behaving as an occupying force "Bad cops!
It is time for the  myriad  of good cops out there to speak up and speak out against their fellows in blue who shoot and kill the innocent and unarmed... Period! 
Indiana Passes Law Allowing the Shooting of Cops

Finally some rational legislation is passed concerning ‘public servants’ unlawfully entering another person’s property.

All too often, we see examples of cops breaking into the wrong house and shooting the family dog, or worse, killing a member of the family.

Well, Indiana has taken action to “recognize the unique character of a citizen’s home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant.”

This special amendment is no revolutionary new thought, only common sense.

Self-defense is a natural right; when laws are in place that protect incompetent police by removing one’s ability to protect one’s self, simply because the aggressor has a badge and a uniform, this is a human rights violation. Indiana is leading the way by recognizing this right and creating legislation to protect it.

The law states:
(i) A person is justified in using reasonable force against a public servant if the person reasonably believes the force is necessary to:
(1) protect the person or a third person from what the person reasonably believes to be the imminent use of unlawful force;
(2) prevent or terminate the public servant’s unlawful entry of or attack on the person’s dwelling, curtilage, or occupied motor vehicle; or
(3) prevent or terminate the public servant’s unlawful trespass on or criminal interference with property lawfully in the person’s possession, lawfully in possession of a member of the person’s immediate family, or belonging to a person whose property the person has authority to protect.

It is through legislation such as this, which will empower people again and aid in bringing down these tyrants from their pedestals, who are given free rein to murder and pillage without consequence.
Four of the Miami Dolphins take a knee during the national anthem at their game 
Solidarity With Kaepernick Ripples Through the NFL

On opening day, players staged a “quiet insurrection” in support of Colin Kaepernick’s protest against police violence.

By Dave Zirin 

Sunday was less a current than a red, white, and blue tsunami. This was opening day for the NFL—by an exponential degree the most popular sports league in the United States—and it was also September 11, 2016, the 15th anniversary of the horrific attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Those attacks killed thousands of innocent people. They also launched an unprecedented assault on civil liberties, the scapegoating of an entire religion, and an illegal war in Iraq that continues to produce an unfathomable body count. The leader of these atrocities, George W. Bush, should have had to answer for his actions. Instead, he was there on Sunday in Arlington, Texas, tossing the coin for the nationally televised game

... the NFL has ascended to new heights these last 15 years by pinning the image of their league to our permanent state of war. The Pentagon has made sure that this has been a mutually beneficial relationship, tying military recruitment, staged “salute the troops” events, and a hyper-militarized form of patriotism to the NFL’s brand

They were acts of solidarity with San Francisco
​49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s anthem demonstrations against police violence. They were protests aimed at stating the simple idea that there is a gap between the values that the flag claims to represent and the deadly realities of racism. 
​It’s Time for Good Cops to Do Something About Bad Cops
​Heather Mac Donald, a leading defender of urban police officers, published a provocative Wall Street Journal article, “The New Nationwide Crime Wave,” in which she warned that “the nation’s two-decades-long crime decline may be over,” and that the most plausible explanation of a “surge in lawlessness” is “the intense agitation against police departments over the past nine months.” She argued that blame for the “demonization of law enforcement” and the ensuing uptick in gun violence is shared by street protestors, political leaders, activists, and journalists, and that although activists may embrace slogans like “Black Lives Matter,” black victims of street violence will suffer most intensely as crime rates increase... from Truth Voice
The photo above demonstrates the truth about policing.  The photos below are a 'joke' about the truth about policing...
ha! ha! ha!... it would be very funny if it were not so true.

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