Can the American public face the truth? Does logic and factual information have any meaning with Americans or do we just fall prey to any story fed to us by the institutional, corporate elite? Just how weak minded are we?
The information points in opposite directions. Paul Craig Roberts says "The Tide is Turning: The Official Story Is Now The Conspiracy Theory" and he points out that most Americans no longer believe the false narrative handed down regarding the assignation of John Kennedy.The official explanation of the assassination of President Kennedy never made any sense. Videos of the assassination contradicted the official story, as did witnesses, and many credible people challenged the government’s story. The CIA was faced with the official explanation becoming unglued and launched its media program stigmatizing doubters as “conspiracy theorists.”
The CIA’s psych warfare against the public succeeded at the time and for a number of years during which witnesses had mysterious deaths and the trail grew cold. But by the late 1970s there was so much public skepticism of the official story that the US Congress... concluded that the Warren Commission’s investigation was seriously flawed, that there was more than one person firing at President Kennedy and that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. By 2013 polls showed that most Americans are “conspiracy kooks” who do not believe the official government line on JFK’s assassination. So with regard to JFK’s assassination, the “conspiracy theorists” are in the majority. The minority are the Americans who cannot escape their brainwashing.
In a few days it will be the 15th anniversary of the alleged al Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon... the official 9/11 story is collapsing before our eyes.
Europhysics, the respected publicaton of the European physics community has pubished an article by scientists who conclude that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three [World Trade Center] buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.” Few American scientists can admit this, because their careers depend on US government...
It is curious that the CIA’s psych-op mind-controll has broken down in the cases of the JFK assassination and 9/11, but is still effective in more recently orchestrated events, such as San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, and Nice. Perhaps this is because not enough time has passed for the public to pay attention to the vast difference between the stories and the evidence."
Propaganda is also the practicing methodology of the Church that for a thousand years forbid church members from actually owning a Bible of their own. Know only what we want you to know seems to be the motto of leadership in every sphere.
Climate science is firmly in the hands of these same leaders and all of humanity is paying and will continue to pay for accepting the official story-line of those in charge.
While we may be opening our collective eyes to some issues it appears we are far from any form of reasonable, independent thinking based upon factual information. The propagandists perform best when they are able to muddy the distinctions between facts and non-facts. Paint a little doubt with a few well placed lies and the confusion will stymie any effort by the public to become accurately informed and will forestall any activity toward rational action... ultimately allowing the status quo (institutional elite) a free reign.
For humanity to have any chance to survive the present century, we must learn to recognize factual reality and to take reasonable actions based on this information... and that's the truth !!!
To Survive Psychopathic Leadership, Propaganda Must be Exposed and Debunked
from OpEdNews by Jack Dresser Bombarded relentlessly for decades with cacophonous, image-saturated, information-light television advertising, Americans have been conditioned to reflexively digest propaganda without reflection, inquiry or resentment. As the firewall vanished between TV news and entertainment in the 1970s, public exposure to realities evoking understanding, empathy, conscience and judgment vanished with it. Sponsors dislike their products juxtaposed alongside real-life death and destruction. Henry Kissinger famously observed, "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." Controlling the world's food supply as well as oil and minerals have been our chief "foreign policy" objectives. Alongside Haliburton and Blackwater, Monsanto marched into Baghdad behind former Kissinger Associates Managing Director, CPA Administrator Paul Bremer, who brought 100 Orders to the Fertile Crescent including Article 81 to prohibit new seed saving, destroy family farming and install Big Ag. The same condition was imposed upon the U.S.-installed coup government in soil-rich Ukraine, the "Breadbasket of Europe," through EU Article 404 embedded in its $17 billion IMF loan agreement. Were either of these quietly orchestrated takeovers vitally important to societies we have cruelly victimized reported by the US corporate media? Prerequisite to both Kissinger-prescribed areas of control is public mind control, presaged in 1949 by George Orwell. The corporate media efficiently performs this imperial function, now preparing the American mind for ever-expanding war. The broad reach, complexity, disguises, cynical scripting and human costs of this propaganda cannot be overestimated. As prospective coronation of the "Queen of Chaos" draws closer, familiar leader-demonizing and atrocity-image propaganda of dubious origin about Syrian President Assad and Russian President Putin increases. Twisted Tales about Assad Our mid-August annual Veterans for Peace convention included a recent delegation-to-Syria report. Broad cross-sections of Syrian citizens and organizations had confirmed - as polls, the 2014 Syrian election, and honest visiting journalists report - that President Assad is widely respected and supported by the Syrian people, trusted to protect their secular government and institutions from wanton destruction by US, NATO and associated forces as befell Iraq and Libya. Syria has a long-established parliament, a 2012-revised constitution approved by 89% of the electorate, and protection of religious and ethnic minorities which Syrians fear is gravely threatened by outside terrorist mercenaries recruited with Saudi/Qatar funding, US Special Forces training, Israel lobby influence, and Turkish logistic support. A terrible Syrian drought beginning in 2006 forced some 1.5 million rural residents into cities already overwhelmed as sanctuary for nearly two million Iraqi and Palestinian refugees created by the US and Israel. As conditions worsened Assad requested US help, which was ignored by Hillary's State Department which instead assembled forces to opportunistically attack his crippled state innocent of aggression against us. After NATO's destruction of Libya, urged by Hillary's State Department, its looted arsenals were shipped from Benghazi to arm tens of thousands of these mercenaries to launch yet another so-called "civil war" upon Syria. The dazed and dirtied 5-year-old Syrian boy is a transparent example of image propaganda, like the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter fabricating eye-witness testimony about neonatal Iraqi atrocities and the obviously false-flag sarin gas attack in Damascus. This posed image of undocumented attribution and speculative interpretations is typical propaganda for demonizing leaders targeted for attack by the US, NATO and allies under the poorly defined and conveniently flexible R2P doctrine. This begs the question why reliably sourced, far more damning atrocity images from Israel's Cast Lead and the US in Falluja received no such R2P-evoking proliferation in domestic mainstream media. Can anybody seriously wonder?
Jack Dresser - BA, Pomona College. Ph.D., clinical psychology. Army psychologist during VN War. Private practice 15 years, specializing in transactional analysis and family systems. Developed ego state psychodrama method.
Developed numerous school-based prevention programs and first offender DUI diversion (designed for early intervention) programs in California and Oregon under county contracts and federal US Dept of Education grants. Alcohol harm reduction research under NIAAA (NIH) grants for c. 15 years. Designed web-based risk reduction training programs for commercial alcohol servers and university Greek organizations. Bi-weekly columnist two years for the Springfield News in Oregon before its demise at the hands of its national owner, Lee Enterprises (after 104 years). Opinion pieces have also been published by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Eugene Register-Guard, Eugene Weekly, Counterpunch and Global Research. Current member, International Society of Political Psychology. Current national vice-chair, Veterans for Peace working group on Palestine and the Middle East. Current co-director, Al-Nakba Awareness Project focused on the Israeli dispossession and occupation of Palestine (see website). |
Friday, September 9, 2016
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