TrumpCare is a tremendous cut to health-care spending by the federal government. It will result in millions and millions of people losing real access to health care. Along with the loss of health care, will be an unconscionable number of deaths that could be avoided. Unnecessary deaths are only part of the indescribable suffering among the population. Many will be forced to exist with diseases (both major and minor) that could have been treated and alleviated. Generally, the health of people will decline all across the board.
Added to the physical misery will be the financial trauma to personal budgets as people attempt to compensate for the lack of assistance. Much of the financial burden will result in bankruptcies that also could have been avoided.
People's emotional, psychological and spiritual health is threatened as they attempt to deal with their issues of physical health. There is no question that Trumpcare will impair the health of the nation on virtually every level imaginable.
Added to the physical misery will be the financial trauma to personal budgets as people attempt to compensate for the lack of assistance. Much of the financial burden will result in bankruptcies that also could have been avoided.
People's emotional, psychological and spiritual health is threatened as they attempt to deal with their issues of physical health. There is no question that Trumpcare will impair the health of the nation on virtually every level imaginable.
It could well be called RyanCare because Paul Ryan is as much a part of the planning as anyone else. Ryan's plan is to take health insurance away from millions of people in order to pay for a massive upper-class tax cut. He has been pushing this all along.
Americans want universal health care. This is still the wealthiest country on the planet and other than helping the wealthiest among us, we should be focused on helping people who can't help themselves.
At the basic level, our system should protect people from the expenditures of catastrophic health problems and allow people a minimum of medical service.
Paul Ryan and his ilk continually express concerns about the size of government. It is a lame excuse, but it apparently sounds good to a certain callous and uncaring segment of the voting public. Reining in federal expenditures for health does not help the federal budget. Government spending is out of control thanks to other entitlements (the military specifically and tax breaks for the wealthy elite to name a couple). In truth, universal coverage wouldn't be very expensive as a percentage of federal spending.
The legislative process still is not complete. TrumpCare must still pass the senate. Even if that happens, the specifics and the details will be worked out by regulators who are supposedly working under Trump’s direction. Or, to revive Nancy Pelosi's inane quote, "Congress has to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it."
The Republican bill to repeal and replace would repeal much that is good (not perfect, but good) and replace it with a plan that is absolutely devastating to portions of the population. For example, a single 64-year-old with an income of $26,500 would have to pay a staggering $14,600 a year in premiums, more than half of what he has available to live on. That compares to $1,700 a year under the Affordable Care Act, an increase of more than 750 percent.
To force someone to pay half of their income to an insurance company in order to have limited health care is abominably cruel... but then, apparently that's the American way, and that's the truth !!!
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