For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction... Isaac Newton's third law of motion... in political and military terms, 'blowback'. The truth is that blowback is the natural consequence that occurs when a hostile, aggressive political/military action takes place. To expect that we could go from country to country, destroying societies and infrastructure of those countries without any repercussions would be 'stupid'.
Maybe the appropriate question is, 'just how stupid are we?' Or, more accurately, "how stupid is our political leadership?' And the obvious answer is, "very, very stupid... and they get away with it because we are stupid too... we easily accept whatever lies they offer to us..."
Blowback is a term originating from within the American Intelligence community, denoting the unintended consequences, unwanted side-effects, or suffered repercussions of an aggressive action against others... the effect typically manifests itself as "random" acts of political violence without a discernible, direct cause because the dots aren't connected to the aggressive action that provoked the revenge or counter-attack ... wikipedia
Britain has raised its terror alert to the maximum level and has deployed troops to protect other sites after 22 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack at a Manchester concert. This attack, and the recent other 'terror' attacks in Europe are what one would expect given Europe's support of terror attacks against nations in the middle East and north Africa.
American foreign policy toward Libya from Reagan up to the 2011 NATO war against Libya ultimately achieved the United States goal of regime change and the death of Muammar Gaddafi. Up to that time, Libya was one of the wealthiest nations in the region which had free healthcare, full education and full employment. There was less poverty in Libya than Denmark. Libya was considered to be one of the most moderate countries in the region.
It was similar with Syria. It is interesting to read Why the US, France and Britain are destroying Syria.
In Syria and Libya, the society and the infrastructure has collapsed. Both countries have now been seized by psychopaths.
This is what happens when illegal, unjustified attacks on independent sovereign nations take place and hundreds of thousands of innocent people are killed, maimed or displaced. Why Britain’s politician’s seem unable to grasp this simple fact is beyond normal basic understanding of humanity. They are at fault and have the blood of every single one of these young innocent lives on their hands.
Libya is where Salman Albedi’s family originated – Syria and Libya and Iraq are the centre of the biggest terror networks in history. The dots are not really hard to connect are they?
It was similar with Syria. It is interesting to read Why the US, France and Britain are destroying Syria.
In Syria and Libya, the society and the infrastructure has collapsed. Both countries have now been seized by psychopaths.
This is what happens when illegal, unjustified attacks on independent sovereign nations take place and hundreds of thousands of innocent people are killed, maimed or displaced. Why Britain’s politician’s seem unable to grasp this simple fact is beyond normal basic understanding of humanity. They are at fault and have the blood of every single one of these young innocent lives on their hands.
Libya is where Salman Albedi’s family originated – Syria and Libya and Iraq are the centre of the biggest terror networks in history. The dots are not really hard to connect are they?
We know it was Salman Abedi because they found his bankcard in his pocket.
An amazing coincidence that accompanies terrorist attacks is that the terrorist seems to want to make it easy to identify who they are... they always seem to have some form of identification papers with them... bank cards, passports, drivers license, something to make identification easy. Also, as additional coincidence is the fact that none of the terrorists ever survive to be questioned.
Another interesting fact is that in every instance, the terrorist was already known to 'law enforcement' prior to the terrorist attack... coincidence, or part of a plan --- it is hard to know, and that's the truth !!!
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