Virtually everything that is going on in this country today produces strong feelings. We all have the sense that things are going 'wacko'. Regardless of our particular social standing or our personal political views, 'things' are seen as going downhill, fast. The rich can't grab more wealth for themselves quickly enough to satisfy their greed, and the poor can't comprehend a system that gives more and more to the wealthy while leaving the poor completely destitute. Those in the middle are frustrated as they see the middle shrinking all around them and they fear the threat of personal destitution for themselves.
But, that's all about money. The national 'wacko' experience goes far beyond 'just money'. Justice, as we witness in daily news reports, does not exist in this country or in the world. Certainly the legal system is not concerned with ideas of justice. The rich & powerful interpret the laws any way that is convenient for them at any given moment. The poor are victimized by every part of the system of 'law enforcement'.
Our corrupt hypocritical leadership professes 'Christian Values' to make us compliant to their rule. In their own lives they act out the very worst characteristics imaginable and are completely 'anti-Christian' in everything they do. And, they pretend other religions (Islam) are bad.
We see all of this and we march and protest to no avail. We register to vote even knowing that the system is totally rigged against democracy - and yet we line-up at the voting booth as if we believed things could be changed by the casting of our ballot. We know better, but as if in a trance, we go ahead with the process, anyhow.
We see our capitalist system failing us everywhere we look. Education is denied us on a public scale thereby limiting our options in the world. The only 'jobs' readily available are in the military.
Trump said of the young husband and father killed in Niger that he "knew what he signed up for". Almost certainly, he did not.
For one thing, nobody can figure out why we have troops in Niger (as well as in virtually every other country in the world). Regarding the death of this young man (only one of the 4 U.S. soldiers killed in this event), the system had doomed him from the beginning. His under-funded ghetto neighborhood high school, Carol City High School, hadn't prepared him for anything beyond working at a Walmart in Pembroke Pines, where co-workers said he was known as "produce boy". Married to his childhood sweetheart who will deliver his 3rd child soon, it is likely he felt that 'what he was signing up for' was a better job, with 'healthcare benefits'.
And his is only one of the millions of sad stories of Americans. We look around trying to think of a way to make improvements and we find none. War and greed dominate our country so thoroughly that, as a mental break from one reality we shift our focus to other realities. Turning from massive tax breaks for the wealthy, we notice a sex scandal and we temporarily review the long history of sex scandals. Turning from financial cuts to social programs to which we all depend, we cheer for some sports event or dull our perceptions in a movie theater. Turning away from the disaster of global warming and climate change, we argue among ourselves about Democrats vs Republicans as if there were differences between them and, as if it mattered if there were.
"Our goose is cooked" and we know it. Nevertheless, we hope for, we wish for... and we aren't even sure what goals there are to which we should aspire.
The media allows us to know that we are unhappy with congress. Nobody expects any type of improvement to be forthcoming from congress, or from any other level of government. We fully expect the 'police state' to expand and limit whatever freedoms we pretend to have.
All of this produces strong internal feelings. Frustration seems to be our lot. Our national mood is one of depression. Even 'good ideas' don't offer anything in the way of encouragement. We look at 'good ideas' with the attitude of "what's the use?", and that's the truth !!!
The 5 Traps Used to Shut Down and Limit Human Consciousness
from Waking Times by Sigmund Fraud The human condition at present is one of slavery, a new kind of slavery, where bondage is psychological and spiritual rather than physical. Human consciousness is the target in a broad war of control where people willingly acquiesce to social conditions which clearly fail to serve their best interests, even doing them harm. We accept the status quo of warfare, fear, environmental destruction, greed, corruption, poisoned health and false scarcity because we’ve been herded into traps which hold us hostage with false beliefs and the appearance of comfort. In reality, though, breaking through these traps would allow us to apply the principles of peace, sustainability, exploration, acceptance and progress to improving the human condition. Firstly, though, we have to see and acknowledge the boundaries of the prison we are in. “There’s five essential boxes for human consciousness, there’s five things that shut human consciousness down. Five models that attempt to keep people rigidly inside of their walls. And if you’re inside these boxes, you’re not going to expand your awareness to understand the actual truth of what’s going on in our world.” ~Mark Passio 1. Politics “If anybody identifies with left or right, conservative Republican, liberal Democrat, etc…” ~Mark Passio The self-identification with a particular political party is one of the most divisive states of consciousness there is in our world today. This is clearly evident in the quality and character of public discourse and how it merges with financial interests to create stress, pressure and conflict at every level of society. 2. Religion The major cultural religions of the world are perhaps the greatest trap for human consciousness ever devised and put to use as a means of controlling people. This has been corrupting the world and killing people for thousands of years. The acceptance of the possibility of a better existence after death is an excuse to ignore the quality of life one is living in this existence, and is used as an excuse to participate in wickedness. We of course see how this paradigm is being used against us today to create a major riff among the people of the earth as global leaders push for a new religious war pitting Islam against Christianity. No one can win if this battle is allowed to escalate. 3. Scientism “Not what I call real science, but what I call ultra rigid skepticism in the form of quote/unquote science, that’s peddled for modern science in today’s world.” ~Mark Passio Science has become a religion of sorts, where ideas are vetted in a strange process of study mixed with peer review, mixed with corporate and monetary influence, mixed with egos. In this paradigm, there is no room for ideas which challenge long-held assumptions and theories about the world, stifling human progress. Rebel researchers like Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake, are examples of how interesting ideas about where the human is coming from and where it is headed are shut down by the rigid thinking of a scientific world which pushes wholesale skepticism as affable quality. “Science places itself on a pedestal and assures everyone it has dispassionately arrived at its conclusions. Meanwhile, however, it is full of assumptions, denials and limitations, and makes the serious mistake of presenting its theories as facts. The errors of mainstream science are gladly seized upon by technocrats, eager to use science and technology to further their own ambitions of control… ~Makia Freeman 4. The New Age Movement Another box for human consciousness which is relatively new in our world is the New Age Movement, which abandons genuine science in favor of feel good platitudes which keep people sidelined from taking action and fully participating in our world. It is a unique, open source belief system which It’s tenets are described by the following 10 bullets here: 1. Ignore the “Negative” 2. Never Get Angry 3. It’s All One, So it’s All Good 4. You Can Never Really Know 5. Accept Injustice, Never Resist 6. A Watered-Down Law of Attraction 7. Turning the Other Cheek (it evens out the scars!) 8. Chaos Should Be Feared 9. We Must Feel Good all the Time 10. Truth Doesn’t Need to be Defended ~Mark Passio 5. The Monetary System – The General Belief in MoneyThis is the greatest trap of all, enslaving nearly everyone on our planet. At the root of this deception is the general belief in money, that is, in the belief that money has more value than life itself and is therefore more precious than anything life has to offer. Because of this, countless schemes, scams, fiat systems, debt-enslavement programs, frauds, and thefts are able to syphon the energy and time of human beings, leading us nowhere but to our own ruin. The monetary system we have today operates in this way, with a tiny ruling elite having devised and now controlling an international system of manipulation which gives unlimited power to those who create money without having to produce anything of actual value. Final ThoughtsIt is impossible to understand the conflict, chaos and division in our world without understanding the ways in which human consciousness is limited, corralled and enslaved by these paradigms. At this point in the age of communication, however, it takes a certain willfulness to continue to operate within these five boxes. “It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled — such is the nature of confirmation bias and other psychological tools of manipulation. Breaking free of the ancient, historical ‘constant’ of mind control is an ongoing process of waking up out of a state of denial. Spiritual emergence and awakening involves a physiological break from the consensus social agreements of our planetary cultures.” ~Karlos Kukuburra Sigmund Fraud is a survivor of modern psychiatry and a dedicated mental activist. He is a staff writer for where he indulges in the possibility of a massive shift towards a more psychologically aware future for humankind. |
Saturday, October 28, 2017
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