'Pathetic' is barely adequate to describe those making our decisions in congress. They must believe that we are such imbeciles as to believe any simpleminded lie that they tell us. Clearly, they have no sense of self esteem or they couldn't just utter such bizarre nonsense over and over again without some feeling of self embarrassment. The truth is that they just don't care. They don't care about public opinion. They only care about satisfying the oligarchy who supplies funding for their continued re-election.
Just last week, Sen. Orrin Hatch, Republican senator from Utah, speaking right there on the senate floor, said to Sherrod Brown, Democratic senator from Massachusetts, "the reason Children's Health Insurance Program having trouble is that we don't have money anymore."
"We don't have money anymore" almost sounds reasonable until one realizes that we do have money. We are spending trillions of dollars to conduct wars and kill people all around the planet. And currently, we are about to give tremendous tax breaks to the very wealthy who actually have so much that they really don't 'need' it, but excessive greed causes them to want even more... and more.
To be specific, the Children's Health Insurance Program costs approximately $15 billion per year and the tax break for the extremely wealthy starts with $20 billion cost to start with and gets worse as deficits grow and other repercussions take place.
The problem is that the pathetic value system of the leadership in this country, the leadership in congress places virtually no value on protecting the nation's 8.9 million children whose parents could not afford insurance last year. For these greedy individuals, money and self-enrichment is the only thing that matters.
Orin Hatch, as one example, immediately after declaring no money for the children's health program, voted for a trillion-dollar tax cut for corporations and the wealthy elite.
As a 'public relations' effort, Hatch and those voting for this monstrosity will make all sorts of false claims. Typically they like to claim that these gifts to the oligarchy stimulate the economy, but no real economists actually supports that concept. The politicians simply depend upon us to believe the lie. Again, the word 'pathetic' comes to mind.
The stealing from children's health coverage and giving to the rich is something know generally to the public. And yes, 'pathetic' should be repeated, again. Here's one not so well known and maybe even goes beyond 'pathetic'.
The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act generally requires covered employers to pay employees at least a Federal minimum wage... Under a section of the law, the term “wage,” allows employers of tipped employees to satisfy their obligation to pay those employees the minimum wage by counting a certain amount of the tips received as partial credit for the minimum wage (known as a “tip credit”).
The administration’s is proposing to allow restaurant owners to collect all the tips left by patrons and to keep the tips for themselves... without telling diners. This would take money out of the pockets waiters and waitresses in restaurants who are among the least paid workers in our economy. Part of the deception is to claim restaurants to be owned by 'mom & pop' where in fact giant corporations are the real owners. Again, stealing from the poor to give to the rich. 'Pathetic' only begins to cover the quality of those human beings making our decisions.
And, how about requiring graduate students to pay taxes on tuition waivers... unbelievable. It just goes on and on. It is not just cutting social security, public works, fair labor laws, national monuments, conservation programs, health insurance, and just about any other government expense one can imagine (except for war and killing people all around the planet). It reveals the true character of those in charge in our congress.
Please understand this part - The House and Senate tax bills both increase the federal deficit by more than $1 trillion dollars. This is the same deficit about which they have historically complained bitterly would be extremely detrimental to the economy of the country if deficits were allowed to expand social programs. 'Hypocrisy' is a word that comes to mind.
These truly 'pathetic individuals' can't even get their own story straight. Some of them claim that the tax breaks for the wealthy will not add $1 trillion to be the deficit - defying every credible economist. Some of them offer true nonsense saying that economic growth, resulting from the stimulated economy, resulting from the tax cut for the wealthy will offset the deficit - again defying every credible economist.
On the other hand, some claim that they will simply raise taxes to defeat the deficit if necessary. Nobody believes this or they wouldn't be cutting taxes in the first place. And those who border on the real truth point out the fact that if the deficit is an issue (it is guaranteed to be an issue) they will simply cut more and more social programs to balance the budget... 'damn the children'.
These truly 'pathetic individuals' can't even get their own story straight. Some of them claim that the tax breaks for the wealthy will not add $1 trillion to be the deficit - defying every credible economist. Some of them offer true nonsense saying that economic growth, resulting from the stimulated economy, resulting from the tax cut for the wealthy will offset the deficit - again defying every credible economist.
On the other hand, some claim that they will simply raise taxes to defeat the deficit if necessary. Nobody believes this or they wouldn't be cutting taxes in the first place. And those who border on the real truth point out the fact that if the deficit is an issue (it is guaranteed to be an issue) they will simply cut more and more social programs to balance the budget... 'damn the children'.
As we think about children, how can anyone in congress work to destroy public education? If there has been anything in our history that actually made this a 'great' country, it was public educationover a large part of the 20th century. But, now everything is being done for corporations and the wealthy elite. Education at the private level is simply another 'money maker' for the rich.
One can only wonder, 'what is wrong with these people?' Science means nothing to them as they continue to deny that global warming and climate change is actually taking place. They easily ignore scientific proof. Common sense is a foreign concept in their thinking as they support gun laws beyond any reasonable standard. And, our marijuana laws don't make any sense at any level - zero deaths compared to tobacco, alcohol, hamburger, and a host of other legal dangers promoted in our culture - and yet our lawmakers cause one to spend years in prison for smoking marijuana (Jeff Sessions, for example).
And as the women come forward with the truth, one wonders if all the men in congress are sexual predators or is it just most of them? And our president brags about his sexually preying on women he perceives as unable to defend themselves.
The real issue in our country is that you, the voter, continue to place these 'pathetic' people into office regardless of how badly they undermine benefits for the average citizen. We will find our soon whether or not you will elect the pedophile, Roy Moore. Is there any hope for us as a country?
These people stand in front of the televisions camera and pretend to be interested in benefiting the American public and passing laws to benefit this whole nation in a general sense. They are working right out there in the open to do exactly the opposite of what they claim to be doing. They are absolutely 'pathetic'... shameless is another word that comes to mind, and that's the truth !!!
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