Friday, October 27, 2017

Cocky enough and conceited enough to not be concerned with 'appearances'.  Just do it and to hell with anybody who asks questions.  Wipe the record clean and destroy any evidence that may or may not have existed about how they stole a 'supposed election' - as if it mattered.  Actually, it didn't really matter because the democracy part of that 'supposed election' had already been eliminated in advance - and the wealthy elite were being represented on the ballot, anyhow.
But, the citizens should at least sit up and take notice.  Take notice.  All pretending is gone.  We compare favorably with the worst evil 'dictatorship' in the entire world.  The news will continue to impress us with some leader in some country who rigged an election and then brutally forced the populace into submission while piling up huge sums of money in a private bank account.
And, all the while, right here under our very noses it is exactly the same.  We usually look the other way.  The government and the media divert our attention with all manner of trickery.  They deceive us with lies about various events in the world.  They hide the truth about what is going on here at home.
But, that all seems to be in the past.  Currently, they feel no need to hide what happens in this country.  It has been moving in that direction over the last few decades.  The banksters robbed us blind and the government convinced us that the proper thing to do in response was to give them more money.  We all witnessed it.
The political system threw Bernie out of the election cycle in spite of his desirability among 'the people' while advancing arguably the two worst choices available in the tightly controlled 'two party' system.  Everyone in the nation knows that everyone in the nation opposes the actions of congress, but so what?
Those in charge, the oligarchy, the wealthy elite simply do not care about the people of this country or of any other country.  Money defines their only aspirations.  
The cost for hiding their true goals was too high.  Creating constant deceptions was expensive in terms of time and energy and money.  They seem to have dropped the pretense and are now going for 'it' without even a hint of creativity... just blatant greed.
We can't avoid seeing what is happening because it is right out there in the open for all to see.  Even the stupid among us can understand what is going on at this point.  
The Georgia system of elections, as only one example among the many, was never intended to be fair or verifiable.  Georgia's AccuVote touchscreen voting machines don't give voters a receipt.  Nobody can say for sure whether or not they voted, even after standing in line and going through the process of 'touching the screen'.   In addition, the machines are known by all to be easily manipulated by 'hacking' so that, even with a receipt, nobody can say for certain that the machine recorded the vote intended by the voting citizen or recorded the outcome that was predetermined by those in control.
The results of the Georgia election cannot be trusted.  But, taking no chances, those in control decided to remove any and all evidence about anything and everything by erasing all data from the computers that held all of the information - and that takes care of that.
And, if you don't like it, don't bother to come to government held public meetings to complain or to ask question or even to discuss the issue.  On the other side of the country (Los Angeles) they know how to handle people who show up for 'public meetings'.  Those who escape being shot dead by the Los Angeles Police Department (the highest number of 'officer involved killings' in the nation - 2 years in a row) are arrested for speaking at public meetings if they speak for 20 seconds more than the time allotted to them speak.  
​The ACLU of Southern California is fighting an ordinance that could make it even harder for residents to speak out—especially those who dissent against the practices of the LAPD. If passed, the ordinance will make it "an arrestable offense to violate any posted rules of public facilities” and would empower law enforcement to make criminal trespass charges, tighten restrictions on speaking time and shut down criticism at meetings.
Video shows a person, 81 years old, speaking at a meeting in 2016, before being forcibly removed from the room, while onlookers yell at the police to let him go.
In another incident, ​an LAPD spokesman explained that the woman "was removed from the room by officers and later arrested on suspicion of resisting arrest.”  According to the ACLU, she “was arrested for speaking 20 seconds over the 2-minute public comment limit.”
And you might be wondering, 'in what country are these things taking place'?  In the past, the oligarchy would want you to believe these actions describe events in some small, undeveloped third world dictatorship.  But, today, they don't bother with the pretense.  Because of their arrogance, it is all right out here in the open.  This is the United States of America, and that's the truth !!!

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