Wednesday, November 15, 2017

One would not want to cross the country as a passenger in a car driven by someone who was suicidal. The anxiety would be over-whelming.  Regardless of how well things might seem to be proceeding, it could all end in a flash of a second.  The mental state of the persons in command of the vehicle is of the utmost importance.  
This is not about Trump.  Although he clearly has his finger poised on certain 'buttons', he is not truly in control.  Actually, in this country, it is virtually impossible to know who is in control.  Of recent times, we hear that the 'deep state' makes the important national decisions.  Lots of articles are being written about the 'deep state' and what that means.
We can be sure that the 'media' reflect the propaganda message of whomever or whatever is 'pulling the levers of power' and that the national attitude is directed by the constant stream of 'information' received by the collective American brain.
It is interesting to note that Trump ran on a platform that, in part, sought to improve relations with Russia.  At the same time Hillary ran with the slogan "Russian Aggression" ringing out in every speech. Today, in spite of no evidence, "Russia-gate" rings from the lips of every American and we are all convinced that the Russians 'hacked their way into our election' and 'influenced' the outcome.  
The 'no evidence' part is important as it demonstrates that 'popular opinion' is shaped not by factual information but by the propaganda message of the 'deep state' as transmitted by the 'media'.
Occasionally, it can be instructive to stop and review exactly what messages we have adopted into our national psychic and how that actually fits into the reality of the world.  And, those messages where they involve Russia are particularly important as indicative of our national mental state and exactly where we are headed in the 'real' world.
Paul Craig Roberts shared with us two dramatic and dangerous developments between the two major nuclear powers.

One is that Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces, stated at the Moscow International Security Conference that the Operations Command of the Russian General Staff has concluded that Washington is preparing a nuclear first strike on Russia.

The other is the report that the US is collecting Russian DNA for the US Air Force weapons laboratory, the implication being that the US intends to research if a bio-weapon can be created that only targets Russians.

The morons ruling us have sent two back-to-back messages to Russia that we intend to wipe out Russia.  Can you imagine anything more reckless and irresponsible than to convince a nuclear power that you have targeted them for destruction?  As far as I can ascertain, neither of these startling developments were reported in the United States media.  Where are the American and European media?
Roberts directs our attention to The Saker who shares some truths with the American people.  We would do well to pay attention to the information he shares.  He says,  "There are two myths which are deeply imprinted in the minds of most US Americans which are extremely dangerous and which can result in a war with Russia.

The first myth is the myth of the United Sates military superiority.
The second myth is the myth about the United States invulnerability.

I believe that it is therefore crucial to debunk these myths before they end up costing us millions of lives and untold suffering.
In my latest piece for the Unz Review I discussed the reasons why the US armed forces are nowhere nearly as advanced as the US propaganda machine would have us believe. And even though the article was a discussion of Russian military technologies I only gave one example, in passing, of Russian military technologies by comparing the T-50 PAKFA to the US F-35.
I am generally reluctant to focus on weapons systems because I strongly believe that, in the vast majority of real-world wars, tactics are far more important than technologies.
I propose to do today is to connect the notions of “war with Russia” and “immediate and personal suffering” by showing that if Russia is attacked two of the most sacred symbols of the USA, aircraft carriers and the US mainland itself, would be immediately attacked and destroyed."
United States aircraft carriers are 'sitting ducks'.  In the interest of brevity, this blog cannot present all of the detail regarding the vulnerability of our prized aircraft carrier groups.  For additional information on that subject, please read The Saker.
He continues:  "even if they are completely outdated for a war between superpowers, carriers still represent fantastically expensive targets whose symbolic value remains immense. The truth is that US carriers are the most lucrative target any enemy could hope for: (relatively) small, (relatively) easy to destroy, distributed in many locations around the globe – US carriers are almost “pieces of the USA, only much closer”.
The Saker then moves to the meat, so to speak... "Introducing the Zircon 3M22 hypersonic missile.  After stating technical data, he points out, "All this is already very impressive, but here comes the single most important fact about this missile: it can be launched from pretty much *any* platform.
​In plain English what this means is the following:  Russia has a missile which cannot be stopped or spoofed by any of the current and foreseeable USN anti-missile weapons systems.

This missile can be deployed *anywhere* in the world on *any* platform.

Let me repeat this again: pretty much any Russian ship and pretty much any Russian aircraft from now on will have the potential capability of sinking a US aircraft carrier.  In the past, such capabilities were limited to specific ships. The Soviets had a large but limited supply of such platforms and they were limited on where they could deploy them. This era is now over. From now on a swarm of Zircon 3M22 could appear anywhere on the planet at any moment and with no warning time (5000 miles per hour incoming speed does not leave the target anything remotely comparable to even a short reaction time). In fact, the attack could be so rapid that it might not even leave the target the time needed to indicate that it is under attack.
​Striking at the Holy of Holies – the US “homeland”

If you thought that discussing striking US carriers was bad, here we are going to enter full “Dr Strangelove” territory and discuss something which US Americans find absolutely unthinkable: attacks on the US homeland. True, for the rest of mankind, any war by definition includes the very real possibility of attacks on your own towns, cities and people. But for US Americans who are used to mete out violence and death far away from their own peaceful towns and cities, the notion of a devastating strike against the US homeland is pretty much unthinkable. On 9/11 the loss of 3000 innocent people placed the vast majority of US Americans into a total state of shock which resulted in a massive over-reaction at all levels (which was, of course, exactly the purpose of this false flag operation by the US and Israeli deep states). Just as with carriers, the dangers of a US over-reaction should serve as a deterrent to any attacks on the US homeland. But, just as with the carriers, that is only true as long as deterrence holds. If the Russian territory becomes the object of a US attack this would clearly indicate that deterrence has failed and that the Russian armed forces should now switch from a deterrence mode to a war-fighting mode. At this point, the US American over-reaction to begin attacked or taking casualties could, paradoxically, result in a last-minute wake-up call indicating to everybody that what will come next will be truly devastating.

Introducing the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)

Though officially very little is know about the Sarmat and the Yu-71, the reality is that the Internet has been full of educated guesses which give us a pretty clear idea of what kind of systems we are dealing here.
...that it is "FOBS-capable, is crucial as it means that, unlike most Soviet/Russian ICMBs, the Sarmat does not have to fly over the North Pole to strike at the United States. In fact, the Sarmat could fly over the South Pole or, for that matter, in any direction and still reach any target in the USA. Right there this capability is, by itself, is more than enough to defeat any current and foreseeable US anti-ballistic missile technology. But it gets better, or worse, depending on your perspective: the Sarmat’s reentry vehicles/warhards are capable of flying in low orbit, maneuver, and then suddenly plunge towards their targets. The only way to defeat such an attack would be to protect the USA by a 3600 coverage capable ABM system, something which the USA is decades away from deploying. And just to add to these already formidable characteristics, each Sarmat can carry up to 3-24 (depending on who you ask) Yu-71 hypersonic glide vehicles.
​... that the "Warhead: nuclear and conventional/kinetic.
That last line is very interesting. What it means is that considering the speeds attained by the Yu-71 HGV it is not necessary to equip it with a conventional (high explosive) or nuclear warheard. The kinetic energy generated by its high speed is sufficient to create an explosion similar to what a large conventional or small nuclear warhead could generate.
Unless one is a techno-junkie, the information herein is too much to absorb and to understand.  That the Russians have gained a technological advantage in military warfare is obvious to anyone who follows the specific details of weapons and weapon systems.
In many ways we, in the 'deep state', are aware of our vast weaknesses.  Follow the link to the US F-35 aircraft and review our own conclusions in an article entitled "​The F-35 Is a $1.4 Trillion Dollar National Disaster"... and yet, we like to claim superiority.
And herein lies the problem.  We are educated to believe certain things that are clearly not true but the belief produces 'good' feelings.  Obvious facts are completely eliminated from our thinking patterns.  We have been brainwashed to accept certain falsehoods as truths.  
The Saker hits the nail directly on the head - the United Sates military superiority is pure mythology &
the United States invulnerability is pure mythology.  We need to wake up to reality.
The United States has troops stationed in virtually country in the world.  We have fought many wars since the end of world war two and haven't won a single one of them.  As of 2014 we are actually engaged in 134 Wars, Or none, depending on your definition of ‘war’.
There cannot be major conflict around the world and none of it ever come home to the soil of the United States.  That is an impossibility.  All of our "saber rattling" around the world is guaranteed to hit us at home, sometime.  How could it not?  
What are we thinking about?  Certainly we aren't thinking about the welfare of our children and grandchildren who, if they are here at all will be in a world completely unlike the world today.  Can they survive in that devastated post-war world?
We citizens are simply passengers in the vehicle that is speeding down the highway.  The vehicle is under the control of our leaders, the 'deep state'.  Watching from the passenger seat, we can conclude that those guiding our vehicle are insane... all indications are that they don't care about the future for their heirs and offspring... the pointers show every symptom that they have some form of a 'death wish'.  It is hard to jump from a fast moving vehicle.  But, what can you do.  The final question is, 'are you ready to die?'  It is rapidly coming down to the most basic and fundamental of human questions, and that's the truth !!!

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