Sunday, August 28, 2016

Language is a very interesting phenomena.  Language is defined as the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of "the use of words" in a structured and conventional way.  And, the purpose of "human communication" is to share or exchange thoughts, information, news, ideas, attitudes, feelings and other similar mental occurrences.
To be effective, the various participants must understand the words being used in the same manner... must define the words in the same way... must have the same relationship to the concepts conveyed by the words.  This appears basic with the human use of language.

Politicians in the United States use language differently.  They seize upon words that they believe convey an emotional message to get support for certain ideas while at the same time knowing that the meaning of the word is broadly misunderstood, or that there are enough distinctly different definitions of the word to confuse the voter.  We then have Ronald Reagan naming the MX mobile nuclear weapons missile the “Peacekeeper.” without any apparent irony.
In the same manner, we have today's politicians running around the country making speeches in support of 'privatization'.  They push this on the unsuspecting public by making claims about privatization that are completely wrong.  They have completely destroyed public education systems by insisting that 'competition' in the educational process is more productive.  The result, as can be studied easily with a internet search, has been disaster on many levels, especially on the educational level for the less than wealthy, and on the financial level for the public in general.  
The word privatize represents a concept of taking public funds and transferring those funds into private hands, private bank accounts.  The demonstrated 'efficiency' simply is less money spent on public employees.  The 'outcomes', a word requiring much explanation, are deceptions of accounting and record keeping which are slanted toward 'privatization' by the 'privateers' in order to make themselves look good and to keep the scam working for a longer period of time.
Corporations are in business to make a profit.  No matter what the business, profit is the primary motivation for a corporation where everything is measured at the 'bottom line'.  Government activities are aimed at the benefit of the country without regard to profit.  Education is about educating the populace.  Health-care is about healthy living for the masses.

We are aware of the distinctions and yet we allow ourselves to be deceived and led toward 'privatization' under the illusion that we will be better served is someone is making a profit while providing a 'service'.  In reality, the 'service' provided is 'self-serving' for the scam artist and the public is left holding the bag... and that's the truth !!!
by Paul Craig Roberts

​How many Americans know that America has privatized prisons, the shares of which are listed on stock exchanges? Free market ideologues provided cover for corrupt Republican politicians to divert taxpayers' hard-earned money to favored political insiders with the false claim that prisons run by private owners are more cost effective.

A Mother Jones reporter took a job as a private prison guard and found that private prisons are places of unimaginable violence. In response to the report published in Mother Jones, high ranking US Department of Justice officials have said that the federal government will cease contracting with privatized prisons.

Republicans learned to use libertarian "free market" ideologues in order to feather their own nests. Privatization, favored by libertarians, is the Republican way of turning public functions into million dollar businesses for themselves and their friends. In the case of the armed forces, the privatized parts of the US military are multi-billion dollar businesses.

Most Americans are too brainwashed to understand that Obamacare is not "socialized medicine." Obamacare is privatized medicine. Obama permitted the private insurance companies to write Obamacare. What Obamacare does is to divert federal subsidies into the pockets of private insurance companies. The deductibles and co-pays are so high that those who qualify for the subsidized premiums cannot afford to use the policies.

Republicans intend to privatize Medicare and Social Security. The road to Medicare privatization is the small percentage of medical billings that Medicare pays. Medical care providers are beginning to find that it is unprofitable to provide care to Medicare patients. When doctors cease to provide care under Medicare, the massive payroll tax revenues will be diverted into the hands of "more efficient" private providers.

The road to Social Security privatization is the "reform" of the consumer price index, which under-measures inflation in order to deny Social Security recipients cost-of-living-adjustments. The continuing decline in the real value of Social Security benefits will result in large-scale economic distress. This distress will be used to discredit the Social Security system and to privatize it.

Whenever you hear "privatization," you are hearing the formation of a scam that will create riches for insiders while taking the public to the cleaners.
Jailing Americans for Profit: The Rise of the Prison Industrial Complex

from the Huffington Post by John W. Whitehead

“Mass incarceration on a scale almost unexampled in human history is a fundamental fact of our country today — perhaps the fundamental fact, as slavery was the fundamental fact of 1850. In truth, there are more black men in the grip of the criminal-justice system — in prison, on probation, or on parole — than were in slavery then. Over all, there are now more people under ‘correctional supervision’ in America — more than six million — than were in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height.” — Adam Gopnik, “The Caging of America“

In an age when freedom is fast becoming the exception rather than the rule, imprisoning Americans in private prisons run by mega-corporations has turned into a cash cow for big business. At one time, the American penal system operated under the idea that dangerous criminals needed to be put under lock and key in order to protect society. Today, as states attempt to save money by outsourcing prisons to private corporations, the flawed yet retributive American “system of justice” is being replaced by an even more flawed and insidious form of mass punishment based upon profit and expediency.
The Privatization Scam:
​5 Horror Stories of Gov't Outsourcing to Greedy Private Companies
Taxpayers are getting fleeced.
By Dave Johnson / AlterNet

Diane Ravitch's blog
A site to discuss better education for all
Privatization Scams You Should Know About

The Medicare Privatization Scam
Will an upcoming vote in Congress signal the end of Medicare?
from The Nation By Trudy Lieberman

from People's World​ by Moe Radd
It's your world
The military privatization scam

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