We could be in favor of peace. We could be opposed to war. Instead, we are just to plain dumb to have an opinion. Our own propaganda dictates whatever thoughts we have... if, in fact, thoughts describe the resultant brain activity: are more like a mental reflexive action to the corporate/government media dissertation.
Are we aware of the possibilities of being vaporized. As things currently stand in world circumstances, vaporization is as likely as any other scenario that we face. Peace is actually so far removed from current possibilities as to not even be worth mentioning. Nobody is actually working toward peace. Peace is not discussed. We think war and we analyze prospects for war and we evaluate our chances for 'winning' war and we plan for war; but, we don't seem to realize that vaporization of huge populations will be a direct result of this next war. Maybe not everyone, but huge percentages of people will be vaporized. Almost all of those who survive the initial vaporization, will starve to death in the very near future after the bombs and missiles stop falling (both on the 'winning' and on the 'losing' side). Human beings, homo sapiens are in serious trouble and the biggest problem seems to be a complete lack of awareness. Many of us are enthralled with the olympics as we cheer for 'our' athletes to win gold. The sports sections of our newspapers are a major focus while foreign affairs is barely noticed. A new bombing campaign against Libya doesn't get much press at all. And, we continue to lead ourselves to nuclear war. Initial victims won't know what hit them. They will be vaporized before the electrical signals from their sense organs can reach their brains. Nuclear war is stupid. Apparently, a large percentage of America's corporate dominated government leadership believes that they and their families will survive. We either bring about a dramatic change in direction, or we prepare to be vaporized.
Rethinking The Cold War
... and the new one Americans are Creatures of The Matrix created by their own propagandists. Americans see imaginary threats, not real ones. What the Russians and Chinese see are a people too brainwashed and ignorant to be of any support for peace. They see war coming and are preparing for it. Reprinted from Paul Craig Roberts Website The Cold War began during the Truman administration and lasted through the Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations and was ended in Reagan's second term when Reagan and Gorbachev came to an agreement that the conflict was dangerous, expensive, and pointless. The Cold War did not cease for long -- only from the last of Reagan's second term and the four years of George H. W. Bush's term. In the 1990s President Clinton restarted the Cold War by breaking America's promise not to expand NATO into Eastern Europe. George W. Bush heated up the renewed Cold War by pulling the US out of the Anti-ABM Treaty, and Obama has made the war hotter with irresponsible rhetoric and by placing US missiles on Russia's border and overthrowing the Ukrainian government. The Cold War was a Washington creation. It was the work of the Dulles brothers. Allen was the head of the CIA, and John Foster was the Secretary of State, positions that they held for a long time. The brothers had a vested interest in the Cold War. They used the Cold War to protect the interests of their law firm's clients, and they used it to enhance the power and budgets associated with their high positions in government. It is much more exciting to be in charge of foreign policy and covert activity in dangerous times. Whenever a reformist democratic government appeared in Latin America, the Dulles brothers saw it as a threat to the holdings that their law firm's clients had in that country. These holdings, sometimes acquired with bribes to nondemocratic governments, diverted the country's resources and wealth into American hands, and that is the way the Dulles brothers intended to keep it. The reformist government would be declared Marxist or Communist, and the CIA and State Department would work together to overthrow it and place back in power a dictator in bed with Washington. The Cold War was pointless except for the Dulles brothers' interests and those of the military/security complex. The Soviet government, unlike the US government today, had no world hegemonic aspirations. Stalin had declared "Socialism in one country" and purged the Trotskyists, the advocates of world revolution. Communism in China and Eastern Europe were not products of Soviet international communism. Mao was his own man, and the Soviet Union kept Eastern Europe from which the Red Army drove out the Nazis as a buffer against a hostile West. In those days the "Red scare" was used like the "Muslim terrorist scare" today -- to force the public to go along with an agenda without debate or understanding. Consider the costly Vietnam war, for example. Ho Chi Minh was an anti-colonist leading a nationalist movement. He was not an agent of international communism, but John Foster Dulles made him one and said that Ho must be stopped or the "domino theory" would result in the fall of all of Southeast Asia to communism. Vietnam won the war and did not launch the aggression that Dulles predicted against Southeast Asia. Ho had pleaded with the US government for support against the French colonial power that ruled Indo-China. Rebuffed, Ho turned to Russia. If Washington had simply told the French government that the colonialist era was over and that France needed to vacate Indo-China, the disaster of the Vietnam war would have been avoided. But invented threats to serve interest groups had become hobgoblins then as now, and Washington, along with many others, became a victim of its imaginary monsters. NATO was unnecessary as there was no danger of the Red Army sweeping into Western Europe. The Soviet government had enough trouble occupying Eastern Europe with its rebellious populations. The Soviet Union was faced with an uprising in East Germany in 1953, from Poland and Hungary in 1956, and from the Communist Party itself in Czechoslavia in 1968. The Soviet Union suffered enormous population loss in World War II and required its remaining manpower for post-war reconstruction. It was beyond Soviet ability to occupy Western Europe in addition to Eastern Europe. The French and Italian communist parties were strong in the post-war period, and Stalin had grounds for hope that a communist government in France or Italy would result in the breakup of Washington's European empire. These hopes were dashed by Operation Gladio. We had the Cold War because it served the Dulles brothers and the power and profits of the military/security complex. There were no other reasons for the Cold War. The new Cold War is even more pointless than the first. Russia was cooperating with the West, and the Russian economy was integrated into the West as a supplier of raw materials. The neoliberal economic policy that Washington convinced the Russian government to implement was designed to keep the Russian economy in the role of supplier of raw materials to the West. Russia expressed no territorial ambitions and spent very little on its military. The new Cold War is the work of a handful of neoconservative fanatics who believe that History has chosen the US to wield hegemonic power over the world. Some of the neocons are sons of former Trotskyists and have the same romantic notion of world revolution, only this time it is "democratic-capitalist" and not communist. The new Cold War is far more dangerous than the old, because the respective war doctrines of the nuclear powers have changed. The function of nuclear weapons is no longer retaliatory. Mutually Assured Destruction was a guarantee that the weapons would not be used. In the new war doctrine nuclear weapons have been elevated to first-use in a preemptive nuclear attack. Washington first took this step, forcing Russia and China to follow. The new Cold War is more dangerous for a second reason. During the first Cold War American presidents focused on reducing tensions between nuclear powers. But the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes have raised tensions dramatically. William Perry, Secretary of Defense in the Clinton regime, recently spoke of the danger of nuclear war being launched by false alarms resulting from such things as faulty computer chips. Fortunately, when such instances occurred in the past, the absence of tension in the relationship between the nuclear powers caused authorities on both sides to disbelieve the false alarms. Today, however, with constant allegations of pending Russian invasions, Putin demonized as "the new Hitler," and the buildup of US and NATO military forces on Russia's borders, a false alarm becomes believable. NATO lost its purpose when the Soviet Union collapsed. However, too many careers, budgets, and armaments profits depended on NATO. The neoconservatives seized on NATO as political cover and an auxiliary military force for their hegemonic ambitions. The purpose of NATO today is to implicate all of Europe in Washington's war crimes. Since all are guilty, European governments cannot turn on Washington and accuse the Americans of war crimes. Other voices are too weak to be of consequence. Despite its vast crimes against humanity, the West still retains the position of "a light unto the world," a defender of truth, justice, human rights, democracy, and individual liberty. This reputation persists despite the destruction of the Bill of Rights and police state repression. The West does not represent the values that the world has been brainwashed to believe are associated with the West. For example, there was no need to attack Japanese civilian cities with atomic weapons. Japan was trying to surrender and was holding out against the US demand for unconditional surrender only in order to spare the emperor from execution for war crimes over which he had no control. Like the British sovereign today, the emperor had no political power and was a symbol of national unity. Japan's war leaders were fearful that Japanese unity would dissolve if the emperor, the symbol of unity, was removed. Of course, the Americans were too ignorant to understand the situation, and so, little Truman, bullied all his life as a nonentity, glorified in his power and dropped the bombs. |
Most people who die from a nuclear blast, will not die in the explosion itself. Most who survive long enough will die of starvation.
Those close enough to "ground zero" will be killed by the gamma rays emitting from the blast itself. Ghostly shadows of these people will be formed on any concrete or stone that lies behind them, and they will be no more. They literally won't know what hit them, since they will be vaporized before the electrical signals from their sense organs can reach their brains. Of the many victims of a nuclear war, these will be the luckiest ones, of course. Outside the circle where people will be instantly vaporized from the initial gamma radiation blast, the light from the explosion (which is many times hotter than the sun) is so bright that it will immediately and permanently blind every living thing, whether their eyes are opened or closed. Most people will not die in the initial gamma ray burst, nor in the multi-spectral heat blast (mostly X-ray and ultraviolet wavelengths) which will come about a tenth of a second after the gamma burst. Nor will the pressure wave which follows over the next few seconds do most of them in, though it will cause bleeding from every orifice. Nor even will most people be killed by the momentary high winds which accompany the pressure wave. These winds will reach velocities of hundreds of miles an hour near the epicenter of the blast. The high winds and flying debris will cause shrapnel-type wounds and blunt-trauma injuries. Later, people will begin to suffer from vomiting, skin rashes, and an intense unquenchable thirst as their hair falls out in clumps. Their skin will begin to peel off. This is because the internal molecular structure of the living cells within their bodies is breaking down, a result of the disruptive effects of the high radiation dose they received. The immediate threat after the gamma blast, heat blast, pressure wave and sudden fierce wind will be the firestorm which will quickly follow, with its intense heat and hurricane-force winds, all driving towards the center where the radioactive mushroom-shaped cloud (composed in part by the bodies of those immediately vaporized) will be rising up into the sky. Where exactly the cloud goes all depends on the winds and the rains at the time. The cloud is likely to result in measurable global increases of a whole spectrum of health effects. The developing firestorm is what the survivors of the initial blast will be facing. Many will have become instantly "shell-shocked" -- incapacitated and unable to proceed. Many will simply go mad. Perhaps they are among the "lucky" ones, as well. The firestorm produces hurricane-force winds in a matter of minutes. The fire burns so hot that the asphalt in the streets begins to melt and then burn, even as people are trying to run across it, literally melting into the pavement themselves as they run. Victims, on fire, jump into rivers, only to catch fire again when they surface for air. Yet it is hard to see even these pitiable souls as the least lucky ones in a nuclear attack. For the survivors of the initial blast who do not then die in the firestorm that follows, many will die painfully over the next few weeks, often after a brief, hopeful period where they appear to be getting better. It might begin as a tingling sensation on the skin, or an itching, which starts shortly after the blast. These symptoms are signs that the body is starting to break down internally, at the molecular level. The insides of those who get a severe dose of gamma radiation, but manage to survive the other traumas, whose organs had once been well defined as lungs, liver, heart, intestines, etc., begin to resemble an undefined mass of bloody pulp. Within days, or perhaps weeks, the victim, usually bleeding painfully from every hole and pore in their body, at last dies and receives their final mercy. But this too will probably not be how most victims of a nuclear attack will die. A significant percentage, probably most, of the people who die from a nuclear attack will die much later, from the widespread release of radioactive material into the environment. These deaths will occur all over the world, for centuries to come. Scattered deaths, and pockets of higher mortality rates, will continue from cancer, leukemia, and other health effects, especially genetic damage to succeeding generations. Nuclear weapons keep on killing a percentage of whoever happens to inhale or ingest their deadly byproducts. Some deaths will occur hundreds and even thousands of miles away, because low levels of ionizing radiation are capable of causing the full spectrum of health effects, albeit at a lower rate within the population. Not to mention the radioactive runoff from the rivers and streams that flow through the blast area and the area under the radioactive mushroom cloud's drift. It may carry its deadly cargo for thousands of miles, raining a fallout of death only on some cities, and not on others. It will land upon nations which had not been involved in any way in 'the war'. Nuclear weapons do not recognize international borders. Finally, an atmospheric blast of a nuclear "device" creates an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) which will electrify all sorts of metallic structures that are not normally electrified except by the occasional short circuit or lightening strike. This will be a lot like the whole country getting struck by lightening all at the same time. As computer chips make better and better use of "real estate", using more and more delicate electronic circuits, the more tightly-packed transistors, capacitors, diodes and resistors become more and more vulnerable to the EMP which will be carried into the chips via the connecting wires. The Electro-Magnetic Pulse is one of the reasons above-ground testing was stopped. (The other reason was that it became impossible to deny that the radiation dispersed by the tests was killing people.) Pacemakers, for example, may stop working because of the "hit" from the EMP. It will be quite something to see people in a thousand mile radius of the epicenter of the blast (or further) who are using pacemakers, suddenly drop dead, and all the computers permanently go down and all the lights go out, all at the same time. And commercial and private aircraft will drop out of the sky, since their sensitive electronics and fly-by-wire systems are not very well shielded from the EMP. These planes will then not be available for evacuation purposes, nor will they be available to air-drop food, water, morphine and cyanide, all of which will be in great demand throughout the area. Home plumbing systems and most other plumbing systems are good examples of large metallic structures that will suddenly become electrified, destroying the motors, gauges, electronics, etc. which are attached to the plumbing systems. Train tracks will also carry the charge, as well as telephone wiring. All these things will have a nearly simultaneous surge of energy sent through them, igniting gas containers such as fuel storage tanks, propane tanks, and so on. Whatever doesn't blow up will at least stop working. In the end, starvation will claim most surviving people as the world's systems break-down. Those, far enough away from the 'blast' who manage to stay alive long enough will become subsistence farmers. The United States has lived under the threat of nuclear war for many decades now, and it is not a pleasant thought. There is no benefit to having, or using, nuclear weapons. There is a greater battle mankind must fight than against each other. Humanity's fight right now, is for humanity's general survival despite depleted and poorly used resources, environmental degradation (there is none greater than that from a nuclear explosion), dwindling effectiveness of antibiotics and other wonder drugs, an uneven distribution of available food, knowledge and wealth, and against weapons of mass destruction.
Want to increase your property values? Try a nuclear war
by Robert Beckhusen and Matthew Gault
Ever wonder what nuclear Armageddon would do to real-estate prices?
How hard would it be to buy a tank of gas if Houston, Texas were suddenly struck by an atom bomb? Which fallout shelter is the most cost-effective? All these questions and more were considered by Washington during the Cold War. Some tend to think of nuclear attacks as the end of humanity. But the truth is that a lot of people and infrastructure would survive. This fact led to ghoulish studies of post-nuclear economics by federally-funded institutes tasked with envisioning life in the radioactive wasteland. In 1969, the Institute for Defense Analyses published a report titled The Effects of Nuclear Weapons on a Single City at the behest of the Office of Civil Defense. The report details the economic impact of a nuclear attack on Houston, Texas. It provides a morbid cost-benefit analysis of everything from specific types of fallout shelters to the property value of surviving housing.
With CBS Chicago now warning Chicagoans that they will be 'vaporized' should Russia decide to launch a nuclear attack against the US.
With ISIS/ISIL seeking nuclear weapons and other rogue terrorist groups possibly getting their hands on such weapons as a suitcase nuke, we have to ask WHY this story specifically singles out Russia when the 'New World Order' globalists could also easily launch such an attack upon America, blaming it upon the Russians, and nobody would even know the difference? |
The atomic bombs dropped on Japan were powerful. However, the hydrogen bombs that have replaced them are far more powerful. The use of such weapons is inconsistent with life on Earth.
Donald Trump has said the only hopeful thing in the presidential campaign. He called into question NATO and the orchestrated conflict with Russia. We don't know if we can believe him or whether his government would follow his direction. But we do know that Hitlery is a warmonger, an agent of the neoconservatives, the military-security complex, the Israel Lobby, the banks too big to fail, Wall Street, and every foreign interest that will make a mega-million dollar donation to the Clinton Foundation or a quarter million dollar fee for a speech.
Hitlery declared the President of Russia to be the Ultimate Threat -- "the new Hitler."
Could it be any more clear? A vote for Hitlery is a vote for war. Despite this most obvious of all facts, the US media, united as one, are doing everything in their power to drive Trump into the ground and to elect Hitlery.
What does this tell us about the intelligence of the "Unipower," "the world's only superpower," the "indispensable people," the "exceptional nation"? It tells us that they are as dumb as sh*t. Creatures of The Matrix created by their own propagandists, Americans see imaginary threats, not real ones.
What the Russians and Chinese see are a people too brainwashed and ignorant to be of any support for peace. They see war coming and are preparing for it.
Donald Trump has said the only hopeful thing in the presidential campaign. He called into question NATO and the orchestrated conflict with Russia. We don't know if we can believe him or whether his government would follow his direction. But we do know that Hitlery is a warmonger, an agent of the neoconservatives, the military-security complex, the Israel Lobby, the banks too big to fail, Wall Street, and every foreign interest that will make a mega-million dollar donation to the Clinton Foundation or a quarter million dollar fee for a speech.
Hitlery declared the President of Russia to be the Ultimate Threat -- "the new Hitler."
Could it be any more clear? A vote for Hitlery is a vote for war. Despite this most obvious of all facts, the US media, united as one, are doing everything in their power to drive Trump into the ground and to elect Hitlery.
What does this tell us about the intelligence of the "Unipower," "the world's only superpower," the "indispensable people," the "exceptional nation"? It tells us that they are as dumb as sh*t. Creatures of The Matrix created by their own propagandists, Americans see imaginary threats, not real ones.
What the Russians and Chinese see are a people too brainwashed and ignorant to be of any support for peace. They see war coming and are preparing for it.
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