A majority of Americans favor cutting carbon emissions to protect air and water and to address the issues around global warming before it is too late... the elected 'representatives' do not care that this is a desire of the people... instead, legislatures steadily protect polluters
It is made to sound as if one did not have the 'right to work' until we passed this law stating that the worker now has the right to work. This is standard practice as we constantly deceive the citizens of this country with all manner of laws and concepts that are mis-named.
A short list of such laws will allow one to focus on this practice and to keep things in perspective. The Patriot Act sounds like something good for the people, especially those people who are 'patriots'. The truth is the very opposite... The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, which protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures is eliminated by The Patriot Act which allows the government to search randomly and seize at will... leaving the citizen with nothing but time in prison without a trial or any legal remedy.
Citizen’s United is another of those good sounding laws... it is absurd in that it allows corporate ‘personhood,’ thereby allowing them to be real human beings for the purpose of donating unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns and to literally purchase elections with their huge financial resources... just like all of the rest of us citizens can buy elections with our minimum wage jobs, if we are fortunate enough to have one.
The Defense of Marriage Act sounds like it would represent the American people... by defending marriage. Actually the law is intended to do the opposite. It doesn't defend marriage, it restricts marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act is aimed at the LGBT community, and it is a completely bigoted law which would eliminate an entire group of Americans from having the right everyone else has... to get married.
And, with this understanding, we come to 'Right to Work' laws.
To see the entire picture in a clear light, we already know that the law-makers in this country, at both state and federal levels, are only interested in passing laws that are put forward by various groups of lobbists. That is becasue the lobbists come with a brief-case full of money. The concerns of the people, the citizens of this country are never seriously considered for passage into law.
The working class person is the only one in the United States which does not have a lobby to push for laws that favor that person. For the worker, there is no representation in the national capital. When we hear the politician speaking in front of television cameras saying, “we are working for the interests of the American people”, the citizen can automatically record that statement as another lie from the mouth of the politician. Almost always the American people are opposed to positions that politicians claim the citizens support.
Unions had some potential for representing the people in this regard. Therefore, what weakens union representation is good for the capitalist... good for the oligarchy.
And that brings us to the 'Right to Work' laws and the lie contained in the title of the laws. The people already have the 'right to work'.
And, the people have a legal right not to join a union at their workplace while receiving the full benefits of union membership. On top of that, the worker must only to pay that portion of the union dues that goes directly to collective bargaining and other benefits of union membetship. In addition, the worker is not obligated to pay for the political activities of the union.
What the 'right to work' laws actually do is to take money away from the only orginizations that in any way represent the working class American.
'Right to work' laws stop the union from collecting that portion of union dues that actually goes into collective bargaining and member benefits. Under 'right to work' laws, the union must still attempt to represent the worker, but without any compensation or fees or payment. The union would have all of the normal requirements of providing service but must do so for free.
The politicians and lobbists who push this legislation would never consider forcing a private business to provide services for free. They also dedicate themselves to ensuring that government does not provide any services for free.
The politicians who are pushing this legislation are hoping that you will be stupid enough to simply believe the label 'right to work' and that you will think of it as a good thing. This allows them to weaken the only groups that in any way challenge corporate power, the power of the wealthy elite. More and more states have 'right to work' laws on the books.
We should recognize 'right to work' as designed deception... On top of it all, these very same politicians expect that you will re-elect them to office again... as you have already done, repeatedly in spite of their votes directly against your very own personal interests. They have no reason to expect you to suddenly vote them out of office unless you suddenly woke up, and that's the truth !!!
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