Saturday, September 30, 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

The battle to destroy the healthcare system upon which so many American citizens depend is apparently over, at least for the moment.  There can be little doubt that the battle will be resurrected with a vengeance.  But, for now, the leaders of 'that' war have selected another arena in which to inflict grievous injury to the working people, tax law.
In both of these battlefields, healthcare and taxes, 'they', corporate and government officials regard the working people as complete idiots.  'They' utter stupid transparent lies as arguments to support their plan as if working people couldn't even understand the English language.  They are obsessed with claiming that the plan they are pushing through the legislative process will be advantageous for the working person.  They insist on repeating the lie even when anyone can easily see that the opposite is true.  It appears as if they are living in a fantasy, make-believe world.  It is almost as if they themselves believe that just because 'they say it', everyone will believe that it is true.   And, they believe, by repeating it more and more, it is transformed into being true... delusional, for sure - but, they are the ones with full power... completely in control of virtually everything that happens in this country.  
Americans must wake up to the realities of our democratic form of government and learn their roles and their duties.  The crooks are in charge because we allow them to be in charge.  And, because we allow them to be in charge, America is a land of inequities in very sphere. 
The richest 10 percent of our population owns nearly 80 percent of our wealth.  Nearly 40 percent of our population has a net worth of zero... they don't own anything at all.  Those in the bottom 10 percent of our population are in debt - literally "working to pay the man".
The new tax laws are being proposed against a background of recent financial thievery of epic proportions.  The crooks running the system robbed the country of tremendous wealth.  It was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.  The crooks started by manipulating the subprime mortgage market and elevated their thievery into a complete banking crisis including the demise of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

Working Americans were hit the worst as the housing market went into serious decline, resulting in evictions and foreclosures.  Unemployment was a natural consequence.  The loss of consumer wealth has been estimated in the trillions of dollars.  We still haven't recovered.  Nobody believes recovery is imminent. 
The banksters did it.   The crisis was engineered by the central banks.  We all know the slogan, "Too big to Fail" which was used to sell the idea of giving whatever amount of tax-payer money was needed to save the investments of the wealthy elite.  And we all know the companion slogan, "Too big to Jail" which is used to explain why no banker has been prosecuted for the well  documented series of crimes they committed.
So now, the crooks want to get even more.  They propose to repeal the 'Estate Tax' or as many like to put it, the 'Death Tax' which sounds more onerous and sounds like it effects working Americans.  The truth is it only effects a very small group of very rich people - approximately 5,000 families total and it only applies to fortunes greater than $5.5 million.
With a part-time service job that has no 'benefits', it is difficult for workers to accumulate an estate of that size.  But Trump is lying to Americans when he says, "It's a disaster for so many small businesses and farmers, and we're getting rid of it".  That is a big lie.  Small businesses and small farmers are not slightly effected by the estate tax.
Of course, a big giveaway to the rich is the reduction in the top individual rate to 35 percent.  Plus the cut in the top corporate rate to 20 percent is nothing more than an additional tax cut to the rich - working Americans are not corporate owners.
As a nation, we are broke.  Depending on what one reads, the United States is 20 Billion dollars in debt.  But, the wealthy elite still have plans to 'rip off' working Americans through 'improvements in the tax code'.
For one example, our roads are in deplorable condition and need $2 trillion over the next 10 years to make necessary upgrades.  But, that money is being wasted on 'tax breaks for the rich' instead of fixing roads.  Being consistent, the wealthy plan to build toll roads that 'pay for themselves' by charging working Americans a 'toll'.
Every aspect of every law that passes congress is in one way or another an advantage for those who already have all of the advantages.  For anyone to believe that the currently proposed changes to tax law will be aimed at benefiting the working American family is purely demented thinking.  The rich are in charge and they are looking after the best interests of the rich... and that's the truth !!!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Colin Kaepernick launched the Colin Kaepernick Foundation in 2016 "to fight oppression of all kinds globally, through education and social activism." (
The news media and the president of the United States are doing everything possible to 'get the word out', so to speak.  Publicity is what is important.  When Colin first knelt before an NFL game, almost nobody noticed.  Thanks largely to Trump and the media, everyone in the country is now aware of Colin's kneeling and the reasons behind it.  Trump has promoted Kaepernick to 'hero' status.  Thanks to Trump,  #TakeAKnee was the top trend on Twitter in the United States and being used to show solidarity with players who have decided to kneel.
One important lesson is how the owning class relies on patriotism to help protect and secure its position in society. The notion of patriotism is one that tells the American working class that they have a deep, common bond with the American capitalist class. This, of course, couldn’t be further from the truth. As being consistent with capitalism, the owning-class minority has driven the working-class majority into widespread deprivation
Colin Kaepernick took a courageous and principled stand last season by kneeling during the national anthem before NFL games. This was done in response to a society that continues to systematically, culturally, and institutionally devalue black lives. This devaluation is played out in many areas, including politics, economics, housing, employment, and perhaps most notably, within the criminal punishment system. Black lives are routinely extinguished by police in the streets without recourse, in the courts without pause, and in the prisons without hesitation. Entire generations of black Americans have essentially been destroyed through the “school-to-prison pipeline” and a system of mass incarceration, for which author Michelle Alexander has properly deemed, The New Jim Crow.

​Kaepernick recognized this and felt compelled to bring attention to it. He openly protested the national anthem.

He is now a free agent, in the prime of his career, and without a job. By all “measurables” (and the NFL is big on “measurables”), Kaepernick should have a starting job somewhere.  His career numbers, in what amounts to just over three full seasons, are very impressive.  When considering these measurables, it is unimaginable that he is without a job in the NFL. The only reasonable explanation for Kaepernick’s newfound unemployment status is that he’s being blackballed by billionaire NFL owners.
We're all gonna do it now... Buffalo Bills players kneel during the national anthem before their NFL football game against the Denver Broncos on Sunday in Orchard Park, N.Y. (Jeffrey T. Barnes/Associated Press)
The Abuses of History
"History is what the present chooses to remember about the past."

from Common Dreams by Chris Hedges

Historians, like journalists, are in the business of manipulating facts. Some use facts to tell truths, however unpleasant. But many more omit, highlight and at times distort them in ways that sustain national myths and buttress dominant narratives. The failure by most of the United States' popular historians and the press to tell stories of oppression and the struggles against it, especially by women, people of color, the working class and the poor, has contributed to the sickening triumphalism and chauvinism that are poisoning our society. The historian James W. Loewen, in his book Lies Across America: What Our Historic Markers and Monuments Get Wrong, calls the monuments that celebrate our highly selective and distorted history a "landscape of denial."

The historian Carl Becker wrote, "History is what the present chooses to remember about the past." And as a nation founded on the pillars of genocide, slavery, patriarchy, violent repression of popular movements, savage war crimes committed to expand the empire, and capitalist exploitation, we choose to remember very little. This historical amnesia, as James Baldwin never tired of pointing out, is very dangerous. It feeds self-delusion. It severs us from recognition of our propensity for violence. It sees us project on others—almost always the vulnerable—the unacknowledged evil that lies in our past and our hearts. It shuts down the voices of the oppressed, those who can tell us who we are and enable us through self-reflection and self-criticism to become a better people. "History does not merely refer to the past … history is literally present in all we do," Baldwin wrote.

If we understood our real past we would see as lunacy Donald Trump’s bombastic assertions that the removal of Confederate statues is an attack on "our history." Whose history is being attacked? And is it history that is being attacked or the myth disguised as history and perpetuated by white supremacy and capitalism? As the historian Eric Foner points out, "Public monuments are built by those with sufficient power to determine which parts of history are worth commemorating and what vision of history ought to be conveyed."

The clash between historical myth and historical reality is being played out in the president’s disparaging of black athletes who protest indiscriminate police violence against people of color. "Maybe he should find a country that works better for him," candidate Trump said of professional quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who knelt during the national anthem at National Football League games to protest police violence. Other NFL players later emulated his protest.

Friday at a political rally in Alabama, Trump bellowed: "Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired!'" That comment and a Saturday morning tweet by Trump that criticized professional basketball star Stephen Curry, another athlete of African-American descent, prompted a number of prominent sports figures to respond angrily. One addressed the president as "U bum" on Twitter.

The war of words between the president and black athletes is about competing historical narratives.

Historians are rewarded for buttressing the ruling social structure, producing heavy tomes on the ruling elites—usually powerful white men such as John D. Rockefeller or Theodore Roosevelt—and ignoring the underlying social movements and radicals that have been the true engines of cultural and political change in the United States. Or they retreat into arcane and irrelevant subjects of minor significance, becoming self-appointed specialists of the banal or the trivial. They ignore or minimize inconvenient facts and actions that tarnish the myth, including lethal suppression of groups, classes and civilizations and the plethora of lies told by the ruling elites, the mass media and powerful institutions to justify their grip on power. They eschew transcendental and moral issues, including class conflict, in the name of neutrality and objectivity. The mantra of disinterested scholarship and the obsession with data collection add up, as the historian Howard Zinn wrote, "to the fear that using our intelligence to further our moral ends is somehow improper."
"Objectivity is an interesting and often misunderstood word," Foner said. "I tell my students what objectivity means is you have an open mind, not an empty mind. There is no person who doesn't have preconceptions, values, assumptions. And you bring those to the study of history. What it means to be objective is if you begin encountering evidence, research, that questions some of your assumptions, you may have to change your mind. 
protesting certainly gets the government's attention...
You have to have an open mind in your encounters with the evidence. But that doesn't mean you don't take a stance. You have an obligation. If you've done all this studying, done all this research, if you understand key issues in American history better than most people, just because you've done the research and they haven't, you have an obligation as a citizen to speak up about it. …We should not be bystanders. We should be active citizens. Being a historian and an active citizen is not mutually contradictory."
Historians who apologize for the power elites, who in essence shun complexity and minimize inconvenient truths, are rewarded and promoted. They receive tenure, large book contracts, generous research grants, lucrative speaking engagements and prizes. Truth tellers, such as Zinn, are marginalized. Friedrich Nietzsche calls this process "creative forgetfulness."
Protesting can be dangerous... and attempts at control reflect attitudes of the wealthy elite, "That was not a clash between protesters and police, that was a clash between criminals and police,”
"In high school," Foner said, "I got a history textbook that said 'Story of American History,' which was very one-dimensional. It was all about the rise of freedom and liberty. Slavery was omitted almost entirely. The general plight of African-Americans and other non-whites was pretty much omitted from this story. It was very partial. It was very limited. That[s the same thing with all these statues and [the debate about them]. I'm not saying we should tear down every single statue of every Confederate all over the place. But if we step back and look at the public presentation of history, particularly in the South, through these monuments, where are the black people of the South? Where are the monuments to the victims of slavery? To the victims of lynching? The monuments of the black leaders of Reconstruction? The first black senators and members of Congress? My view is, as well as taking down some statues, we need to put up others. If we want to have a public commemoration of history, it ought to be diverse enough to include the whole history, not just the history that those in power want us to remember."
"Civil War monuments glorify soldiers and generals who fought for Southern independence," Foner writes in "Battles for Freedom: The Use and Abuse of American History," "explaining their motivation by reference to the ideals of freedom, states’ rights and individual autonomy—everything, that is but slavery, the 'cornerstone of the Confederacy,' according to its vice president, Alexander Stephens. Fort Mill, South Carolina, has a marker honoring the 'faithful slaves' of the Confederate states, but one would be hard pressed to find monuments anywhere in the country to slave rebels like Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner, to the 200,000 black soldiers and sailors who fought for the Union (or, for that matter, the thousands of white Southerners who remained loyal to the nation)."

The United Daughters of the Confederacy, as Loewen points out, erected most of the South's Confederate monuments between 1890 and 1920. This campaign of commemoration was part of what Foner calls "a conscious effort to glorify and sanitize the Confederate cause and legitimize the newly installed Jim Crow system."

Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, who Loewen writes was "one of the most vicious racists in American history," was one of the South's biggest slave traders, commander of the forces that massacred black Union troops after they surrendered at Fort Pillow and the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. Yet, as Foner notes, "there are more statues, markers and busts of Forrest in Tennessee than of any other figure in the state's history, including President Andrew Jackson."

"Only one transgression was sufficiently outrageous to disqualify Confederate leaders from the pantheon of heroes," Foner writes. "No statue of James Longstreet, a far abler commander than Forrest, graces the Southern countryside, and Gen. James Fleming Fagan is omitted from the portrait gallery of famous figures of Arkansas history in Little Rock. Their crime? Both supported black rights during Reconstruction."

The American myth also relies heavily on a distorted history of the westward expansion.

“The mythology of the West is deeply rooted in our culture,” Foner said, “whether it’s in Western movies or the idea of the lone pioneer, the individual roughing it out in the West, and of course, the main lie is that the West was kind of empty before white settlers and hunters and trappers and farmers came from the East to settle it. In fact, the West has been populated since forever. The real story of the West is the clash of all these different peoples, Native Americans, Asians in California, settlers coming in from the East, Mexicans. The West was a very multicultural place. There are a lot of histories there. Many of those histories are ignored or subordinated in this one story of the westward movement.”

"Racism is certainly a part of Western history," Foner said. "But you're not going to get that from a John Wayne movie [or] the paintings by [Frederic] Remington and others. It’' a history that doesn't help you understand the present."

Remington's racism, displayed in paintings of noble white settlers and cowboys battling "savages," was pronounced. "Jews—inguns—chinamen—Italians—Huns," he wrote, were "the rubbish of the earth I hate." In the same letter he added, "I've got some Winchesters and when the massacreing begins … I can get my share of ’em and whats more I will."

Nietzsche identified three approaches to history: monumental, antiquarian and critical, the last being "the history that judges and condemns."

"The monumental is the history that glorifies the nation-state that is represented in monuments that do not question anything about the society," Foner said. "A lot of history is like that. The rise of history as a discipline coincided with the rise of the nation-state. Every nation needs a set of myths to justify its own existence. Another one of my favorite writers, Ernest Renan, the French historian, wrote, 'The historian is the enemy of the nation.' It’s an interesting thing to say. He doesn't mean they're spies or anything. The historian comes along and takes apart the mythologies that are helping to underpin the legitimacy of the nation. That's why people don't like them very often. They don't want to hear these things.

​Antiquarian is what a lot of people are. That's fine. They're looking for their personal roots, their family history. They're going on to find out where their DNA came from. That’s not really history exactly. They don’t have much of a historical context. But it stimulates people to think about the past.

​Then there's what Nietzsche calls critical history—the history that judges and condemns. It takes a moral stance. It doesn’t just relate the facts. It tells you what is good and what is evil. A lot of historians don’t like to do that. But to me, it’s important. It’s important for the historian, having done the research, having presented the history, to say here’s where I stand in relation to all these important issues in our history.”

"Whether it’s Frederick Douglass, Eugene Debs, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Martin Luther King Jr., those are the people who were trying to make America a better place," Foner said. "King, in particular, was a very radical guy."

Yet, as Foner points out, King is effectively "frozen in one speech, one sentence: I want my children to be judged by the content of their character, not just the color of their skin. [But] that’s not what the whole civil rights movement was about. People forget, he died leading a poor people's march, leading a strike of sanitation workers. He wasn't just out there talking about civil rights. He had moved to economic equality as a fundamental issue."

Max Weber wrote, "What is possible would never have been achieved if, in this world, people had not repeatedly reached for the impossible."

Foner, like Weber, argues that it is the visionaries and utopian reformers such as Debs and the abolitionists who brought about real social change, not the "practical" politicians. The abolitionists destroyed what Foner calls the "conspiracy of silence by which political parties, churches and other institutions sought to exclude slavery from public debate." He writes:

For much of the 1850s and the first two years of the Civil War, Lincoln—widely considered the model of a pragmatic politician—advocated a plan to end slavery that involved gradual emancipation, monetary compensation for slaver owners, and setting up colonies of freed blacks outside the United States. The harebrained scheme had no possibility of enactment. It was the abolitionists, still viewed by some historians as irresponsible fanatics, who put forward the program—an immediate and uncompensated end to slavery, with black people becoming US citizens—that came to pass (with Lincoln's eventual help, of course).

The political squabbles that dominate public discourse almost never question the sanctity of private property, individualism, capitalism or imperialism. They hold as sacrosanct American "virtues." They insist that Americans are a "good" people steadily overcoming any prejudices and injustices that may have occurred in the past. The debates between the Democrats and the Whigs, or today’s Republicans and Democrats, have roots in the same allegiance to the dominant structures of power, myth of American exceptionalism and white supremacy.

"It's all a family quarrel without any genuine, serious disagreements," Foner said.

Those who challenge these structures, who reach for the impossible, who dare to speak the truth, have been, throughout American history, dismissed as "fanatics." But, as Foner points out, it is often the "fanatics" who make history.

© 2017 TruthDig
Chris Hedges writes a regular column for Hedges graduated from Harvard Divinity School and was for nearly two decades a foreign correspondent for The New York Times. He is the author of many books, including: War Is A Force That Gives Us MeaningWhat Every Person Should Know About War, and American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.  His most recent book isEmpire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.
The Dallas Cowboys and owner Jerry Jones added a distinctive wrinkle to the NFL’s national anthem demonstrations Monday night, with Jones, Coach Jason Garrett and other coaches and front office executives taking a knee in unison before the anthem, then rising and locking arms as it was being performed. (Matt York/AP)

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Flanagan resisting arrest.... Photo by J. Scott Applewhite/AP
It is amazing how we handle 'things' in this country.  Peaceful protestors have difficulty protesting peacefully and demonstrating for their representatives in government to actually represent them.  Government was ready in advance with excessive numbers of people representing 'law enforcement' to arrest those who were 'breaking the law'.  The various demonstrators were charged with a variety of crimes including refusing to cease and desist with their unlawful demonstration and charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding (causing inconvenience)  and resisting arrest... all serious crimes.
In other circumstances some of them could have been shot by 'law enforcement' as is often the consequence of peaceful protests by citizens of this country.  Instead, because they weren't predominately black, they were dragged from their wheelchairs and arrested.
Even with the lack of gunfire the Daily Beast reported that custodians were cleaning blood off the floor.
One might speculate that medical treatment required after 'law enforcement' induced injury from participating in the protest will not be covered by the healthcare legislation being pushed forward at the hearing for which people traveled across the country to attend and to protest.
The capital is well guarded by well armed guards...
from Common Dreams - Chanting "Kill the Bill, Not Us," over a hundred furious activists, many in wheelchairs, halted Monday's only scheduled hearing on the travesty that is the Graham-Cassidy anti-health-care-bill. Before getting hauled out and arrested by a "staggering" number of Capitol Police, the protesters - many from the disability-rights group ADAPT who had gotten up at four that morning to join long lines for the hearing - were met with a response only the current cretins in power could conjure up. Senator and Chairman Orrin Hatch, who ordered the protesters forcibly removed, told them, "If you want a hearing, you'd better shut up," adding there was no reason for him to waste his time “if the hearing is going to devolve into a sideshow."

Lindsey Graham, the disastrous bill's co-sponsor, watched stone-faced as police dragged shrieking protesters out of the room, in some cases lifting them out of their wheelchairs. The other sponsor, Bill Cassidy, did him one better in the relaxed indifference department: He literally yawned through the turmoil. Noted Huff Post's Matt Fuller, "A good time to reevaluate what you're doing in Congress is maybe when people are being dragged out of wheelchairs over your bill idk." The debacle likewise prompted Sen. Ron Wyden, the ranking Democrat on the committee, to charge, “The process that led to this is an abomination.” He might as well have been referencing the state of the Republic.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images News/Getty Images
On Thursday, protesters held a "die-in" outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office as the GOP unveiled legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Some of the protesters were in wheelchairs as they blocked the hallway, while others were wearing medical devices, and as they protested health care measures that would potentially threaten their lives, police dragged the protesters away from McConnell's office.
Police Physically Remove Protesters With Disabilities From A Die-In Against The Health Care Bill
Capitol Police officers struggled to remove people, with some sliding out of their wheelchairs and onto the floor.   Eva Malecki, a spokesperson for Capitol Police, said in a statement 181 protesters were arrested Monday afternoon.

"Fifteen demonstrators were arrested and charged with disruption of Congress," Malecki said, adding, "143 individuals were arrested after refusing to cease and desist with their unlawful demonstration activities in the hallway. Twenty-three individuals were charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding and resisting arrest."

People from all over the country and all of walks of life lined up as early as 5 a.m. ET, to urge lawmakers to oppose the latest Republican health care bill, known as the Graham-Cassidy bill.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Capitol Police remove a protester in a wheel chair from a Senate Finance Committee hearing about the proposed Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill, Sept. 25, 2017, in Washington... see video...

The chambers of Finance Committee is set to consider health care legislation proposed by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Bill Cassidy, R-La., Dean Heller, R-Nev., and Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

This is the one and only open hearing scheduled on the Graham-Cassidy bill, an unusual process that opponents of the bill, like Sen. John McCain, have objected to.
The Congressional Budget Office says the new Republican bill aimed at repealing President Barack Obama's health care overhaul would reduce health insurance coverage for "millions" of people.

The nonpartisan analysts say people would lose coverage in part because of $1 trillion in cuts through 2026 in Medicaid. That's the health insurance program for the poor and disabled.

Others would drop policies because the bill would halt federal subsidies Obama's law gives them. Still others would be uninsured because the measure drops the law's tax penalty on people who don't buy coverage.

The GOP bill has been losing Republican support and seems unlikely to survive.
The budget office says it will take weeks to produce a more precise estimate of the bill's impact.
As soon as the last protester was removed, Hatch sat back down and gaveled the hearing back in. “Let’s have some order,” he said, as the chants continued to drift in from the hallway outside, where arrests continued. “If you can’t be in order, get the heck out of here.”
The U.S. Capitol Police announced later on Monday that they had arrested 181 protesters in total—15 in the hearing room were charged with “disruption of Congress” and more than 100 others were charged with blocking the hallway and resisting arrest.
“Several of the demonstrators, as part of their protest activities, removed themselves from their mobility devices and lay themselves on the floor, which resulted in USCP officers having to reunite demonstrators with their mobility devices,” said the Capitol Police.
Before the hearing began, one of the ADAPT demonstrators told TPM that he had traveled all the way from Kansas to show his dissent to the bill the Senate may vote on this week, particularly its cuts to traditional Medicaid.
“Medicaid pays for the home care services that people with disabilities need,” Mike Oxford said. “The money will shrink. Those block grants are going to go away. States will not replace that money. States have proven that they’re not as good at protecting, planning, and overseeing these programs. The states have been in charge and they suck at it. That’s why we want federal protections. That’s why I’m here.”
Protesters Storm Graham-Cassidy Health Care Hearing: ‘Kill the Bill, Don’t Kill Us’ ... see video...
With hours to go before a Monday Senate hearing on Republicans’ Graham-Cassidy health care bill, hundreds of protesters affiliated with a wide range of activist groups lined up in the halls of the Dirksen Senate Office Building to show the GOP they will not stand for a proposal that may kick millions off their health insurance.

At press time, the line of protesters forming outside the room where deliberations are scheduled to take place stretched across two separate Senate buildings.

Protest organizers told Mic that at least 200 protesters — 80 of whom were using wheelchairs — showed up in the early hours of the morning to admonish Senate Republicans for their fifth attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act with a bill that one estimate warned may kick more Americans off their health insurance than the so-called “skinny repeal,” which the Congressional Budget Office said would lead to 32 million people losing their insurance.
"The government wants to kill me," this protester said as she was removed from the protest area
as a society, we need to learn how to 'rethink' certain concepts...
Disturbing images came out of protests at Monday’s Senate Finance Committee hearing on the Graham-Cassidy bill—a health-care reform measure that would dismantle the Affordable Care Act—as police officers made arrests, dragging some protesters from their wheelchairs. It was a hastily scheduled attempt to stick to legislative protocol, as Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy continue to try to rush the bill to a vote. (A September 30 deadline ensures that they could pass it with only a 51-vote majority.) Some disability activists, many of them members of the ADAPT group, had woken up as early as 2:30 a.m. in order to be in the hallway of the Dirksen Senate Office Building before the hearing began. One choice soundbite from today’s proceedings: Senator Orrin Hatch was caught telling the assembled citizenry that “if they wanted a hearing” they should “shut up.”

It did not escape notice in the room or on social media that there were significantly more police officers on hand to quiet and remove the chanting protesters than were present at the scheduled right-wing neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, where activist Heather Heyer was mowed down by car. The scene came a day after Donald Trump sent a barrage of tweets telling NFL coaches to fire any players that take a knee during the national anthem in silent protest of police brutality. Which is to say that there is a pattern here, a longstanding pattern, of what kinds of organizations and actors get their speech protected by the state (corporations, politicians) and those who are derided and menaced (peaceful protestors, the differently abled, people of color, and consumers) in insisting on their First Amendment rights.
Protesters Lonnie Smith, left, and Dawn Russell are wheeled out from Republican Sen. Cory Gardner’s office after they were getting arrested in downtown Denver, Colo
Ten people were arrested Thursday night after staging a two-day sit-in at the Denver office of Republican Sen. Cory Gardner over the health care bill.