The battle to destroy the healthcare system upon which so many American citizens depend is apparently over, at least for the moment. There can be little doubt that the battle will be resurrected with a vengeance. But, for now, the leaders of 'that' war have selected another arena in which to inflict grievous injury to the working people, tax law.
In both of these battlefields, healthcare and taxes, 'they', corporate and government officials regard the working people as complete idiots. 'They' utter stupid transparent lies as arguments to support their plan as if working people couldn't even understand the English language. They are obsessed with claiming that the plan they are pushing through the legislative process will be advantageous for the working person. They insist on repeating the lie even when anyone can easily see that the opposite is true. It appears as if they are living in a fantasy, make-believe world. It is almost as if they themselves believe that just because 'they say it', everyone will believe that it is true. And, they believe, by repeating it more and more, it is transformed into being true... delusional, for sure - but, they are the ones with full power... completely in control of virtually everything that happens in this country.
Americans must wake up to the realities of our democratic form of government and learn their roles and their duties. The crooks are in charge because we allow them to be in charge. And, because we allow them to be in charge, America is a land of inequities in very sphere.
The richest 10 percent of our population owns nearly 80 percent of our wealth. Nearly 40 percent of our population has a net worth of zero... they don't own anything at all. Those in the bottom 10 percent of our population are in debt - literally "working to pay the man".
The new tax laws are being proposed against a background of recent financial thievery of epic proportions. The crooks running the system robbed the country of tremendous wealth. It was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The crooks started by manipulating the subprime mortgage market and elevated their thievery into a complete banking crisis including the demise of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
Working Americans were hit the worst as the housing market went into serious decline, resulting in evictions and foreclosures. Unemployment was a natural consequence. The loss of consumer wealth has been estimated in the trillions of dollars. We still haven't recovered. Nobody believes recovery is imminent.
Working Americans were hit the worst as the housing market went into serious decline, resulting in evictions and foreclosures. Unemployment was a natural consequence. The loss of consumer wealth has been estimated in the trillions of dollars. We still haven't recovered. Nobody believes recovery is imminent.
The banksters did it. The crisis was engineered by the central banks. We all know the slogan, "Too big to Fail" which was used to sell the idea of giving whatever amount of tax-payer money was needed to save the investments of the wealthy elite. And we all know the companion slogan, "Too big to Jail" which is used to explain why no banker has been prosecuted for the well documented series of crimes they committed.
So now, the crooks want to get even more. They propose to repeal the 'Estate Tax' or as many like to put it, the 'Death Tax' which sounds more onerous and sounds like it effects working Americans. The truth is it only effects a very small group of very rich people - approximately 5,000 families total and it only applies to fortunes greater than $5.5 million.
With a part-time service job that has no 'benefits', it is difficult for workers to accumulate an estate of that size. But Trump is lying to Americans when he says, "It's a disaster for so many small businesses and farmers, and we're getting rid of it". That is a big lie. Small businesses and small farmers are not slightly effected by the estate tax.
As a nation, we are broke. Depending on what one reads, the United States is 20 Billion dollars in debt. But, the wealthy elite still have plans to 'rip off' working Americans through 'improvements in the tax code'.
For one example, our roads are in deplorable condition and need $2 trillion over the next 10 years to make necessary upgrades. But, that money is being wasted on 'tax breaks for the rich' instead of fixing roads. Being consistent, the wealthy plan to build toll roads that 'pay for themselves' by charging working Americans a 'toll'.
Every aspect of every law that passes congress is in one way or another an advantage for those who already have all of the advantages. For anyone to believe that the currently proposed changes to tax law will be aimed at benefiting the working American family is purely demented thinking. The rich are in charge and they are looking after the best interests of the rich... and that's the truth !!!
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