The truth is that the United States of America was established, in part by some convincing arguments about some theoretical idealistic principles. The truth is that the actual foundations upon which the country was built were essentially the very opposite of those principles. The annihilation of a race of people and the enslavement of another race of people combine to make up the foundations upon which this nation was built. All of this is the truth. We are having trouble coming to grips with the consequences of our origins, but it is the truth.
Today, because we came into existence on the back of racism, we still advance every aspect of our culture and our society in keeping with our origins. We all know this is true.
Change is necessary. We can look at history (a favorite expression at this blog) and we can see other related situations and we can learn from other people's mistakes. South Africa, for example was established as a 'whites only' culture and society. At the height of the success of that culture, it would have been difficult to foresee the collapse that was coming. One would not have anticipated this outstanding nation - with modern urban centers and a modern scientific establishment with a modern military and every aspect of life at or near the top of modern world standards - collapsing. But, it did.
Similarly, to even suggest such for the Unites States causes one to appear as an idiot. But, the truth is, it is moving in that direction, quickly, Many see it coming and are reacting against it in the hope of avoiding that type of change for America's future.
Ilana Mercer in the article below offers good information, stating, "This much I know: Empowering political majorities in Africa has helped, not hindered, the propensity of hostile masses to exact revenge on helpless minorities.
It would be a mistake to believe, as the American ruling Idiocracy preaches, that minorities in the US—soon to form a majority—will relinquish race and tribe as unifying principles, in favor of the US’s constitutional design."
Perhaps there is still time to avoid a future such as that of South Africa. There is no doubt, assuming we are not annihilated in a nuclear war, that the population will change, with minorities becoming majorities. When those changes take place, do we want the 'new majority' to treat the 'new minority' (whites) the way the majority engages the population in today's world? Imagine laws that imprison whites for minor offenses. Imagine whites routinely gunned down by police who have immunity from prosecution. Imagine these as starters, and continue to imagine.
As we move forward on our current path, there is no avoiding that scenario. The facts are in. Whites are already reacting to this future, but it is soon to arrive. But we can, if we chose to, cause the outcomes to be different. It requires living up to those idealistic principles we proclaimed in the beginning.
Popular in the current media is the 'take a knee' controversy. The issue is not 'taking a knee', the issue is police brutality and the criminal justice system. If that cannot be fixed, our future involves our 'hacking each other to death'. On down the road, white people will lose. The roles will soon be reversed. It doesn't have to be that way.
It is not necessary to repeat, again, the statistics of blacks murdered by police, or to compare those numbers with police in other countries. We know the truth and read about it in the media, daily.
Read the remarks by Stan Van Gundy: "I do not claim to be an expert on race in America. But in addition to working to be an informed citizen and learning about the issues that derive from race, I have been coaching for about 20 years in the NBA, a league that is 75% black... "
End Police Brutality - the Center for Popular Democracy and Policy Link, two nonprofit advocacy organizations, have partnered with various protesters and street-level organizers to find some concrete solutions to this problem. The result is a 15-point report, titled Building From the Ground Up: A Toolkit for Promoting Justice in Policing, which Mic has synthesized below to identify the concrete steps citizens and local governments can take to affect change.
Van Gundy strives to be an informed citizen... that's what you have to do. There is a lot of material that can assist your efforts. Go to your favorite search engine and do some research. One example of what can be found is, How to Fight Racism - A Sociological Guide to Being an Anti-Racist Activist. There is lots more.
We have got to heal our old wounds. We cannot continue to allow them to fester. We must start to educate ourselves to the truth. It is our only opportunity for advancement. Each of us must redirect ourselves toward a positive future in this country (and in the world).
We must open our eyes to the realities of the world. We must get past that old mythology that has bogged us down for so long. America was never white. Jesus was not a white man. We must get over it, and that's the truth !!!
Why Hatred of Whites Is Here to Stay
from The Unz by Ilana Mercer Not so long ago, mere mention of the deliberate murder of whites in South Africa—country folk and commercial farmers, in particular—was called “racist.” “Raaacist!” the media collective brayed when candidate Trump retweeted a related “white genocide” hashtag. It’s still “racist” to suggest that the butchering of these whites, almost daily, in ways that beggar belief, is racially motivated. Positively scandalous is it to describe the ultimate goal of a killing spree, now in its third decade, thus: the ethnic cleansing of white, farming South Africa from land the community has cultivated since the 1600s. Be thankful for small mercies: At least the international media monopoly is finally reporting facts, such as that just the other day Andre and Lydia Saaiman, aged 70, were hacked to death in Port Elizabeth. (Imagine being chopped up until you expire.) Or, that the elderly Bokkie Potgieter was dealt a similar fate as he tended his small, KwaZulu-Natal holding. Potgeiter was butchered during the October “Black Monday” protest, which was a nation-wide demonstration to end the carnage. Internationally reported as well were the facts of Sue Howarth’s death. The 64-year-old pharmaceutical executive was tortured for hours with … a blowtorch. This black-on-white murder spree has been ongoing since a dominant-party political dispensation (mobocracy) was “negotiated in my homeland for South Africans. (Learn about “The American Architects of The South-African Catastrophe.“) But while the criminal evidence is at last out in the open, the motive for these hate crimes is only mumbled about for fear of offending the offenders. In South Africa we find a criminal class, born into freedom after 1994, that burns with white-hot hatred for whites. Why? The South African state’s stout indifference to the plight of whites does not exist in a void. Witness the steady, anti-white venom the dominant-party cobra-head, the ANC, spits out. “The de facto situation is that whites are under criminal siege explicitly because of their race,” writes a South African historian, cited in “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa” (2011). “The black criminal collective consciousness understands whites are now historical fair game.” The physical, existential vulnerability of white South Africans flows from a confluence of historical antecedents that have placed them in a uniquely precarious position. “The white minority surrendered political dominance in return for non-racial constitutional safeguards.” By forswearing control over the state apparatus, whites ceded mastery over their destiny, vesting their existential survival in a political dispensation: a liberal democracy. In a needlessly optimistic assumption, whites imagined blacks too would be bound by the same political abstractions, and would relinquish race in favor of a constitutional design as an organizing principle in the society they now controlled. Having “surrendered without defeat,” for a tepid peace, Europeans are, moreover, particularly and uniquely vulnerable within this political dispensation because of their history on the continent. Remedial historical revisionism notwithstanding, South Africa—with its space program and skyscrapers—was not the product of the people currently dismantling it. Rather, it was the creation of British and Dutch settlers and their descendants. For what they’ve achieved and acquired—and for the original sins of apartheid in South Africa; slavery in America—whites are the objects of envy and racial enmity. The observations of liberal, African-American journalist Keith Richburg are particularly pertinent here. Richburg believes that on the Dark Continent, tribal allegiance trumps political persuasion and envy carries the day. He cites the fate of the Tutsi—an alien, Nilotic African people, who formed a minority in Rwanda and Burundi—among the Hutu who are a Bantu people. The Hutu have always resented the tall, imposing, attractive Tutsis, who had dominated them on-and-off since the 15th century. When Hutus picked up machetes to slash to bits nearly a million of their Tutsi neighbors in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, they were, on a deeper level, contends Richburg, “slashing at their own perceived ugliness, as if destroying this thing of beauty, this thing they could never really attain, removing it from the earth forever.” Are shades of this impulse alive in the savagery inflicted on the European “settlers” of South Africa (and Zimbabwe and the Congo before them)? Who can say for sure? This much I know: Empowering political majorities in Africa has helped, not hindered, the propensity of hostile masses to exact revenge on helpless minorities. It would be a mistake to believe, as the American ruling Idiocracy preaches, that minorities in the US—soon to form a majority—will relinquish race and tribe as unifying principles, in favor of the US’s constitutional design. Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers. And it is in Man’s nature to dislike those who are unlike him—all the more so when they, as a group, have accomplished what he has not. Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly paleolibertarian column since 1999, and is the author of The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed (June, 2016) & Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011). Follow her on Twitter, Facebook & YouTube.
Additional information regarding this photo:
Video of the incident begins with the homeless man hidden under a pile of police officers. As the man struggles, it becomes clear that he is wearing a prosthetic leg. “It is often twisted and backwards in the video,” LaBouvier noted. “An officer can be seen at the 5 second time-mark stomping on the man’s prosthetic leg. In further efforts to subdue a man already on the ground with four people on top of him, they stood on his leg, held it, and twisted it around even after they had cuffed him and pinned him to the piss-stained concrete.” “These incidents are so quotidian, so mundane, that they do not merit a mention in even passing on the local news. Which is to say, this is everyday harassment,” she lamented. “Yes, it’s racial profiling. Yes, it’s racism. Yes, it’s inequality. This is an American heritage.”
This is what we must avoid. If we cannot, then we are all in deep trouble, and that's the truth !!!
Thursday, November 16, 2017
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